So we woke up kinda late this morning, Buddy had preschool this morning, and once again he didn't want to go. He was a good boy though and went, and so did I, 2 hours of preschool fun. Honestly, I know why he doesn't like it, it was like herding cattle, yes his regular teacher was absent(it was her birthday-boy, I wish I had a job that I could get my birthday off), but still one project to the next and no loving, cuddling, or talking to the kids in between. So I guess I'll be looking for a better preschool, because I believe in Chuck E. Cheese's motto, a kid should be a kid, and I firmly believe if you don't love your job, no matter what it is, you should leave it!!!!

Then we went to my mom's and played with her walker, then made some marble runs out of rolled up newspapers and tilted blankets. Then we told stories for an extremely long time, ours was about Thomas, Buddy and Ralph and the Motorcycle (we just finished reading that book last week). Afterwards we went to the gym so Buddy could play some more. OK really I've been a slacker, but Buddy did really want to go. My dad, lonesome I guess, even tried to bribe him with watching TV. Buddy would have none of that, it was the gym or bust. When we got home we ate dinner. Dinner of course included lots of straws and lots of milk bubbles.

So then we went swimming, once again we were the only ones there. Lots of fun blowing bubbles to tell the "creatures" where we were and then to do our trick where Buddy sits on the edge then pretends to "fall" into the water... He's really good at it.

When we got home we made use of dad's junk, for train tracks of course. Buddy even had a great idea of putting in a flashlight for the tunnel. So there we sat with the lights out, except for the tunnel light.

Buddy wanted to include some funny faces for your viewing pleasure....

Next up, movie time in the tent....with glow in the dark pj's of course.

Over and out- Buddy!