Thursday, July 30, 2015


Buddy started back to school yesterday...

 To say he was more than excited would be....well..a very huge lie. Heck, to even say he was neutral about the fact would be a huge lie. All I have to say is, at least I don't have to carry him to his room crying anymore (well, at least not yet in this school year)! I'm going to be honest though, if I were a kid, I'd totally be digging on 5th grade here. One of the school field trips is SWIMMING WITH DOLPHINS!!! The coolest any of my field trips got was going to some pilgrim village and eating a cheese sandwich (pretty certain there was more to that field trip...but my brain is a bit fuzzy and obviously that cheese sandwich left a lasting impression). His class is also going to start ukulele lessons, Japanese and do a play!!! I'm wondering if anyone will think it's weird if I ask to be placed in 5th grade...possibly for the remainder of my stay on the island? In other news, Buddy and I decided to be awkward yesterday....

Actually, we didn't decide anything, it just naturally comes to us! So all in all a super fantastic, naturally awkward...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Nothing out of the ordinary....

I've been super lax about doing the blog lately. Perhaps I'm just lazy (which is totally true), but I just felt like we haven't been doing anything of note lately. At least that's what I thought until I scrolled back on our last week in pictures. I mean there was that time that Buddy scaled to the top of a building just to ring a doorbell (trust me a lot more than a bell's got to be ringing to entice me to scale this bad boy in the heatwave we've been having)...
There was the time Buddy decided to dress for the occasion....
Not entirely sure of what the occasion was, but I'm sure we had a swell time there! I can't forget to mention the day that we decided to finally feed the kids (the kids appreciated it, the moms appreciated the bibs)...
Then there was the day that we were stuffing them into manila envelopes for the mail...
Unfortunately, some were a little resistant to the idea....
Of course we can't forget the day that Buddy pulled a handcart of kids all by himself.....
(Of course the two guys on the side of him are purely for decorative purposes!!!!)
Let me not forget today, the day we're going to start giving Mamaw a heart attack for deep (at least what I consider deep because trust me, I'm a wuss) sea diving...

Buddy had to handle the Go-Pro for most of the pictures because I'm apparently old and can't use technology correctly!!!! Here's a picture that Buddy took just for you mom...
When we called my mom to try to give her an anxiety attack by telling her our deep sea diving adventures, she asked us if the coral was beautiful. If you aren't 30 feet down or have some light, I'm sure it is, otherwise it's all muted shades of green/grey. By the way, there's a turtle in there if you look close. Anyway, back to our list of things of note, Buddy starts school back tomorrow. He decided to start the preening early....
I'm hoping he'll be done in time for school tomorrow...and his classmates are hoping he'll remember deodorant! So all in all a super fantastic, trying not to be too boring, day (or week)!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink

This morning, we decided to do something totally crazy and head to the beach!!! Well, after Buddy finished licking me, that is....
Once we got there, it seemed like Buddy was just floundering trying to figure out what to do. Believe it or not, it's really hard to choose if you want to boogie board...

Or  play a game of......well, I'm not actually sure what the heck he's doing....

Turns out the last game won. Pretty certain Buddy is the reigning champ of "Whatever the Heck that is"! Once we were done, Buddy had to make himself a little more presentable, at least a little less stinkable...

I think the heavens knew the boy needed more help than that and they decided to lend a helping hand....or helping downpour....
Finally, he  washed the stink away.... at least until the next fart happened about .000004 seconds after this picture was taken! Oh well, at least he tried! 
So all in all a super fantastic, at least his friends don't mind the stench....too much, day!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Playdates all around.....

I decided to live on the edge and let Buddy have a playdate today. Of course, the good mother that I am, I insisted on proper hygiene first...

Pretty certain everyone in the theater was grateful for all of my hard work and sacrifice.... 
Afterwards, the good mother in me decided to help the kids out by introducing them to the hose. They in turn introduced themselves to my tables....

and a little thing I like to call "attitude"!
In turn I introduced them to a little game called "I have 3 boys and only 2 ride on toys".... 

 I'll be honest, the game wasn't the hugest hit, but the playdate was a smashing success, so much so that Shane had one of his own (they played with their drones)....

 My boys! Tomorrow is my turn for a playdate, I bought some sparkly pink fingernail polish just for the occasion! So all in all a super fantastic, it's good to have playdates, day!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Game Masters....

I've totally been slacking on the blogging here lately....which has led to some awkward questioning when my mother calls and asks me if I'm dead and that's why I haven't posted a blog in a while. I feel like we haven't done anything interesting in a while to blog about (which is like bragging, but amped up a few hundred notches because now everyone will know!!!). Mostly, we've just been hanging around...
Staying cool....
Inventing new games, like contact tree climbing...
Crazy lagoon monster mayhem.....
And my favorite game "Holy Banana's I just peed a little, but thankfully in the ocean"....
Trust me, that one is not for the faint of heart. I much prefer the game of "Holy Banana's I just peed a little, but thankfully in the shower"....
I know, we're pretty awesome at should see our games about poo! So all in all a super fantastic, playing, day!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Getting pretty!

Buddy and I are finally back home, that is, after Buddy had a brief brush with fame. The day before we left I decided to go to the salon and get my yearly haircut (ummmm, should I be embarrassed by that statement?). Anyway, since I was getting all pretty, Buddy decided he should get all pretty too!
He looked so pretty that people stopped him all along our travels to take a picture with him....including the extremely nice  Delta flight crew that we were with.
There were so many people stopping him that by the end of the day he told me he was starting to actually get sick of all the attention! Just so you know, this boy loves to be the center of attention, which just proves how much he was being stopped. If only he had found a nice getaway car at the airport...
Well, maybe a nice getaway car that you could actually getaway in! Thankfully we made it home in one piece....
Is it still considered making it in one piece if you lose your shirt in the process? Oh well, here's a picture of Waipi'o Valley to make everything better!!!!
So all in all a super fantastic, I guess fame isn't all that it's cracked up to be, day!