Friday, September 30, 2011

The Old Man is Snoring?

So what do you do when you live on part of a tropical island that is always warm and sunny and it's finally not so warm or sunny, i.e., it finally rains?
Glad you asked, you give your swing playmate a five (sorry, I totally missed it all 10 times they did it, but you can use your imagination)...

Then play as long as humanly possible at the playground on drenching wet equipment, cause really, that's what all the cool kids are doing!

So all in all a super fantastic, playing in the rain, day!
On a super side note, Shane's little sister had a baby today! We are super excited and can't wait to see little Ace in person. Buddy and Ace have matching shirts so Buddy can pretend he's an honorary big brother (OK we weren't invited to this honor, but when you have matching shirts it's expected, right?).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9 is just fine...

So 9 years ago today, I got Las Elvis...I even have pictures to prove it...

The wedding was Cheesy (that's right with a capital C), but we had a blast!

I don't mean to brag, but we even had a belly dancer, no big deal...

Most memorable was the delicious cake...

what can I say, it was that good! We are also very lucky to have so many people be with us on our special day on really less than a weeks notice...

I remember that when we were driving back to Utah the next day, Shane heard he had lost his job. Wow, who'd a thunk that 9 years later we'd be living in Hawaii and I'd be the unemployed one (definitely not me, cause I distinctly remember adding up our bills and comparing it with our now one income family and stressing about working and supporting us for the rest of our lives)! I also remember Shane promising me we'd have lots and lots of kids, well I won't completely blame him on this one. Thank goodness Buddy takes up a lot of the slack and frequently gets back into newborn mode just to make me feel better...

By the way, I told him to wash his dirty feet, and this is how he accomplished his task. The sink is completely full of water and flowing over! What can I say, I have a very independent newborn!
So all in all a super fantastic run, day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Hour?

Yesterday morning we were a little distracted...

It's truly amazing we made it home from school in one piece, even more amazing that his homework was completed. Someone had something on his mind all day waiting for his first Tiger Cub Den Meeting...

To say it was super fantastic is an understatement. There was socializing, balloon popping, socializing, flag saluting, socializing, relay races, socializing, ummm, I think you get the point! To put the topping on the cake while we were leaving the Scout Master told us about the Cuboree coming up in 2 short weeks where there will be more socializing and BB gun shooting (along with other things but I'm pretty certain, but I think Buddy and I stopped listening after that)!
So all in all a beyond super fantastic day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Body Snatchers...

Yesterday morning Buddy woke up asking to do some Geometry homework and started singing how he loves to do homework. I kept wondering who is this kid, I mean it looked like Buddy and sang like Buddy, but asking to do homework....geometry homework even, is absolutely unheard of! Thankfully once we returned home and he turned all his lego men into zombies....

I knew everything was going to be alright in the world.
So all in all a super fantastic, who was that kid, day.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

For Hire....

Small dependable worker, good with a hammer...

Excellent flashlight holding skills....

Will work for fun, will not shy away from getting dirty, great attitude.
So all in all a super fantastic, working it day!
P.S. I love Lowe's free build and grow workshop... just sayin'!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Strange things are happening on this island. It all started yesterday when Buddy started to play on a headless rocking horse. He immediately started acting like a zombie....

Then all the kids in the neighborhood started to look a little odd...

Hmmmm, I wonder if I should be worried?
So all in all a super fantastically scary day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So wrong....

So today Shane went to Buddy's class to talk about being a helicopter pilot. Buddy was so excited and proud. So how did such an awesome day at school end up with this not less than 2 hours later?

Translation for sore is sorry by the way, at least that's what he said, if not it was a really bad day on more that one level!
(Don't miss that sweet little mama eyes that look like they are about to shoot daggers! Awesome!) Let's just say we had quite a bit of growing pains today at our house. Thankfully, we finally decided to call a truce and went for a bike ride. Unfortunately, someone had an accident of the stinker nature. After a little clean up, that little someone was sure to tell the neighbor girl all about it (that is after swearing her to secrecy because of "embarrassment"). Hmmm, how embarrassed are you really when you talk in full detail of the little mishap? Of course then Buddy had to bring in my "poop in my pants" stories. Thank goodness Buddy has a parent he can relate to in that area...cause I'm chock full of them/or it! Buddy went to bed singing "Tomorrow" (at least the mishmash of words that I knew), cause he's really looking forward to a redo in the morning, I have to admit me too!
So all in all a super fantastic, the sun will come out tomorrow, day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Waxing and Waning....

I think there is a problem in our solar system, I mean yesterday I kept seeing a waxing and waning moon, during daylight even! It slowly started as a quarter moon...

Then a half moon quickly appeared...

Of course there were several full moons yesterday, but the proper mom that I am, I'm keeping those to myself.
So all in all a super fantastic, mooning, day!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Did you know that I'm way more awesome than the Pacific Ocean, at least I was until yesterday. Buddy, when given the choice always picks staying at home and playing with me over going to the beach. I'm slightly flattered, but only slightly, cause seriously it's the beach! Thank goodness I didn't give him a choice yesterday (I know, mean momma making her kid go to the beach)!

The waves were phenomenal, the best I've ever seen them. I think I need to send a thank you card to the frequent storms in Japan for strumming up the awesomeness. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the Ocean cause I was too busy making sure my kid didn't drown...yep, they were that awesome. When we left (after 5 hours), Buddy begged to stay longer and then mentioned that he forgot how fun the beach is! Well, thank goodness I'm around to help that boy out!
So all in all a super fantastic, never forgetting again, day!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


So what do you do when you live on an island that doesn't have an ice skating rink and is probably way too hot to even fathom one? Well, you put a bunch of the top minds together and come up with this...
(No children were harmed during the making of this video, at least harmed badly)
Ahhh, cool and refreshing. The team of geniuses came up with this at a local park by using two simple ingredients, the playground's shelter and...

Brilliant, yes?

Of course I'll pretend to not be an adult watching such flagrant disrespect of the resource of water and dangerous activity, I would never allow such shenanigans!
So all in all a super fantastic, sliding around, day!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Buddy missed a word on his spelling test last week. He's gotten a perfect score every other week, but somehow my OCD is having a huge issue with it. I keep telling him it's really about doing your very best, and really it was only one missed, but my insides are saying perfect score...perfect score...perfect score. So last night we went over his words, and when I say we went over them, I mean we really went over them. I think Karma was really trying to tell me something when my sweet little boy woke me up at 1:16 am to spell t..h...a...t. Mmmmm, yeah, maybe I am turning into that Chinese Dragon Lady that never let her kids do anything fun...

Ummm, well maybe not quite yet. I'll have to work on it... the calming down bit, not the domineering mother (just for clarification)!
So all in all a super fantastic, spelling it, day!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Word to your...Den Mother?

After Buddy's daily date with Elise yesterday...

Buddy and I went to a meeting. The meeting consisted of talking about bows and arrows, camping and shooting rifles. Buddy was in boy heaven. OK, he didn't really care about the camping or bows and arrows too much, or maybe he did, but the excitement was covered by the mention of shooting rifles frequently. My boy is now an official cub scout...

Who knew they were so NRA friendly? Unfortunately, during the excitement I made eye contact with the BSA representative and am now the den mother for 5 little tiger cubs! Hmmm, that will teach me to look interested! Buddy is super excited about this new position for me and proceeded to jump up and down, telling everyone that I was his mother until we left the meeting 30 minutes later. I'm glad Buddy is so proud of me, I'll totally take it while he's dishing it out (I'll store the memories for those teenage years when he has me drop him off blocks away from where he's going because he's embarrassed to be seen with, I would never have done that). In other news, in response to my last post, my dad called me noble and graceful (he also said that I was beautiful, smart and his favorite kid, at least that's what I was reading between the lines). Thanks dad for always having my back!
So all in all a super fantastic, roaring, day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Everyone keeps asking me if I've gotten a job yet over here. To that I frequently stumble, I frequently feel guilty that I'm not working, especially during a recession. Sometimes I even retort that I'm writing a book (which I kinda was, but I only wrote 3 chapters and I think only my sister thought it was funny and interesting) but I scrapped that months ago. The truth is I have worked and supported my family for a very long time and now I have my dream job of being a stay at home mom! Buddy loves it, I love it and even Shane loves it. I brought up a job I was thinking about applying for last week and Shane's answer was....why? I love that man! So now I will hold my head up proudly and not be ashamed when people ask me if I have a job yet. I have a job, it's being a fantastic mother to the most important boy in the world (grump face frequently not included)!

I mean after all, he is going to be President of the World some day, so really, you're welcome for all my hard work.
So all in all, a super fantastic, dream job, day!

Monday, September 12, 2011


The other day at Target while I was picking up some knickers for my growing boy I found this....

Nope, for once I'm not talking about a gun, I'm talking about that awesome fedora! We saw it and we loved it immediately. I've got to hand it to the Budster he definitely has style! When he put it on yesterday he told me he looked adorable (I wholeheartedly agreed). I think he's going to be called soon to hobnob with the celebrities so he can style them, who would blame them? Even his little friends at his play date yesterday kept borrowing the hat so they could emulate his awesomeness!!

You're welcome for that, by the way!
So all in all a super fantastic, cutie patootie, day!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Poop Maker...

Yesterday Buddy and I discovered a new love...

OK, so our love comes in the form of a Lowe's warehouse, but we're not picky. Buddy was in little boy heaven! I can't even express how excited he was about actually building his police car....all by himself. He walked around the store for a good 20 minutes showing his work off to all of the Lowe's employees (now a shout out to all the Lowe's employees for making him feel so special). Since we had to drive the hour to Kona to get to Lowe's, we of course had to make it worth our time, right? So of course we had to go to the fair, it would have been a waste of a drive otherwise, right? The very first ride we went on was the Fireball, I'm pretty sure Buddy wasn't tall enough to go on it, but when you put your measuring post on a bunch of lava rocks, almost everyone is tall enough. That and carny workers don't usually care if you enter a chamber of death, but maybe that's just my opinion. Buddy LOVED the fireball, he loved it so much we rode it 6 times. Of course the first time he was almost crying in fear and declared that the ride was so scary it almost made him poop his pants...

I guess he likes that feeling since we then repeated it 5 more times (thankfully with our underwear unscathed)! While we were there Buddy got a sweet, innocent toy...

Er, Ummm, what you mean it's not normal for a little kid to lay down in the middle of a fair with his machine gun and have target practice? Someone really should have a talk with that kid's mother, and perhaps DCFS!
So all in all a super fantastic, pooping our pants, day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Island Spice?

So while we were walking home from school yesterday, Buddy repeated a very offensive and dirty comment that he heard from another kid in his class. Seriously, he's in FIRST GRADE!!!! He didn't know what it meant (thankfully, but then I explained it to him... I figured I should before someone else goes teaching my boy more things). This isn't the first time he's said something he picked up from the boys at school. I'm sure these boys have older brothers but honestly I miss the days of innocence and watching Teletubbies, OK not really Teletubbies, but you get my point. I told Buddy that when the boys start to talk raunchy to go play with the girls which I thought was a fantastic idea, at least I thought it was until I talked to his teacher this morning to discuss the locker room behavior. She pointed to one girl and quickly let me know that girl was worse than all the boys together! Wowzers, I have now encouraged Buddy to hang out with the kids that don't speak English! In other news, Buddy has reorganized his birthday party plans (yes it's still 2 months away, but it's going to be awesome) so that he can include Elise...

Do you remember Elise, the one who tormented Buddy his first few weeks at school last year? The one who I assured Buddy had a crush on him which was why she was tormenting him. They have a date on the swings every day after school. We've even hung out with her at the grocery store (it's a small village, it's bound to happen)! They like to swing sideways into each other, young love can be so brutal!
Last night we prepared our snacks for today. Buddy actually did all of it but the melting of the peanut butter, he did amazing and he was super excited about his creation...

In my defense of the first picture, I made him wash his feet and hands really well before hopping onto the counter. Of course he wasn't as excited about the snacks as he was about bringing his guitar to school. We arrived a few minutes early this morning so he sat outside playing and singing a ballad to the amazement of his fellow classmates. I think all he was missing was maybe a hat to lay out so people could throw coins in! I can't wait to hear what his teacher has to say about his performance when I pick him up today.
So all in all, a super fantastic, growing way too fast, day!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ladies Man...

Ever have your kid announce to a complete stranger at the pool that he has lots of hair growing on his legs and is well on his way to becoming a man? At least he's embracing his manhood, when I tickled him this morning he had me investigate his arm pits for any more traces of manhood hair (there was none if you're really wondering). All I can think is hold on tight to your daughters ladies, this may be a bumpy ride...

In other news, I helped out in Buddy's classroom yesterday and I do believe it sent the boy into school heaven! I think it must have been quite the impression since I got several hugs from other kids when I dropped the Budster off this morning. In my defense though, I was passing out insects so you really can't but love me for that! Anyway, tomorrow is Buddy's special snack day. You know the day he gets to do something special and provide a snack. He's going to play the guitar and sing a song for his teacher....oh how I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that!
So all in all a super fantastic, growing up, day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Director's Cut....

Anyone else's kid wake up 2 hours earlier on a school day just to make a movie? Buddy is so enthralled with the Stop Motion Recorder on my iPhone(which is totally awesome by the way)...

Last night he wrote, directed and edited several short films. Somehow the little booger snapper even figured out how to put music to his creations. Here is one of many...

Buddy titled this one the "Superfantastic Beeder Lego Race". Well done my boy, well done. So now he is in school, using his acting skills of playing up being sick to get to come home and work some more on his awesomeness. In his defense he is a little sick, but not enough to justify what I could see as the decline of ever going to school again, based on the desire to be the next Martin Scorsese. Geesh, mothers always getting in the way, making you do stuff like go to school or brush your teeth!
So all in all a super fantastic, hope I don't get called by the school nurse, day!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


You know, when you get distracted, things tend to go a little crazy...

I rest my case!
So all in all a super fantastic, going crazy, day!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sweet and Simple...

Today I was going to blog about how when Shane came home from work, the boys watched a few episodes of Dukes of Hazzard. It was Buddy's first time, and he was glued to the TV somewhat like this...

I believe it was a hit, so much so, that I have all the seasons ordered in my Netflix queue and we are anxiously awaiting their arrival. Then I was going to to do a little bit about how my boy rules the road on the neighbors "awesome" four wheeler that goes about 0.1 miles an hour (seriously it's mega slow, but Buddy rode it for 30 minutes acting like it was a race car)...

But if you thought I'd end it here, you obviously do not know me, or my blog very well... I'm slightly offended actually. I just wanted to show you a beautiful montage of a mother and son fighting for the camera, it's sweet and poignant....

Here's where it gets really good!

OK, there was nothing beautiful or poignant about that, but I had to sell it didn't I to get you to look. I woke up to some wonderful messages on my facebook page about the beauty of it. I think that's what I miss most about work... the disgustingly awesome, slightly twisted sense of humor you get from being around all kinds of body fluid and all kinds of nut jobs all day.
Today I am hoping that mister mucous maker will feel up to a Rodeo today! If not another montage may be in our future.
So all in all a super fantastic, blowing it, day!