Thursday, March 26, 2009

The "vacation" continues....

So we've tried a few new vacation spots, this one seemed cozy..

While we were on vacation we decided to go to the car show...

Which turns out to have a fantastic demolition derby.

Then we decided to hunt out some of the native animals...

Travel channel has nothing on us.
All in all a super "wish we were at Disneyland" day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Disneyland in Utah?

OK, so Shane is going back to Alaska to work for the summer and is leaving in two weeks, I conveniently have a week off right now, so it's only normal to assume that the family is required to go on a vacation to spend time together and enjoy themselves before the family unit is once again ripped apart. So Buddy and I voted on Disneyland, seriously who wouldn't, Shane voted on nothing. Seriously there is a miser in his soul! Somehow Shane won, with the compromise that we would have a vacation in our house, having Buddy Boss days, where Buddy picks the activities for the day. Ground rules, no computers (yes, I'm cheating) and no TV unless it's a family movie. So yesterday we were going to ride the front runner train, we got on the trax, go to downtown SLC, then my work called to tell about a code yellow, a gas leak near the hospital where people were being evacuated. My husband, AKA miser, decided we should get the heck out of town and abort mission. So we went to the Mayan restaurant instead. We loved the show...

Buddy loved his new way of wearing a jacket. Yes I am an awesome mother, creative, inventive and the reason he had an accident to begin with ( I asked him to hand me some toilet paper while he was mid pee, so the thoughtful thing that he is handed me paper while he was still going, getting himself wet in the process).

When we came home we made a tent and watched HORTON HEARS A WHO and then the boys camped out in the tent. Too bad I have a bad back and had to sleep in the bed all by myself.

Today on our vacation, we're going to the dinosaur museum and bowling, just like if we were at Disneyland.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thomas who?

Today we had a glorious play date with my friend Liz and her kids. Buddy loves going over to Liz's house, who wouldn't, a downstairs with a play area just for kids, toys he hasn't played with in at least two months and a boy who can speak trains. Two hours of catching up on the gossip and one screaming wail later, we found the boys in the midst of a sea of foam. The foam, of course, recklessly pulled from a giant (and when I say giant, I mean humongous)foam mattress in the theater (that's right I said theater). After cleaning up the mess and a short nap in the car, we came home to play with dad. I suppose they had no more energy to play....

Thank goodness for remote control trains, so you can still play trains, without leaving your chair...

All in all a super fantastic, mess making day!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Who'd a thought...

Yep that's all I've got for ya! Just a fun day of playing outside and in!
Over and out.
The Beeder Clan

Friday, March 13, 2009


We haven't done anything too exciting lately. We're very excited that Shane is taking an extended leave, so we can play together. I decided that I'm getting way too in demand these days. We couldn't afford to have a security system placed, so Buddy has been in training to be my personal body guard...

With crazy things around your house like this.....

You can never be too careful.
So far we have caught one fugitive on the run that goes by the code name Buddy....

Be careful he's a dangerous criminal, specializing in being cute, cuddling and giving nonresistant pleas to play trains...

Monday, March 9, 2009

The aliens are coming...

We DID NOT, I repeat, DID NOT play with trains today. Then of course, the day isn't over. We whipped out Shane's Lego's from when he was a kid and built a space station on the moon. The moon of course has gas stations there...

Buddy created a lovely rover...

And of course the piece de la resistance, the space ship....

Which can apparently transport rats to the moon (thank goodness for that, now I know where to send her when Shane is gone)...

Over and out from Space Station 3000 ...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The many misadventures of Buddy...

So the past few days, we haven't done much of anything, other than hang out together as a family. It's been super exciting around here. Buddy has picked up reading on his own. Of course he's doing it true family style...

Buddy has discovered a lump on his belly...

But thank goodness it turned out to be benign...

We've played ball...

We had time to build a ramp(Buddy did it all himself) and play with cars...

We brushed up on our super flying abilities...

In our laziness I did forget to put in some pictures from our trip to Seattle, so here they are, we had a great time looking for sea creatures....

Spelling our names in the sand (I promise it read Buddy, just in 4 year old)...

Since we were in Seattle, we decided to hug some trees like the locals...

We took a great nature walk...

Then, we weren't quite satisfied, so we decided to commandeer a sail boat an let out our true pirate nature....

You see those scallywags smiling, but they were trembling in their boots, fearful of the pirate Captain Buddy...

Even the dog was shaking in his boots...

That is until there was a revolt and Captain Buddy was tied up and taken prisoner with a sour lad...

All in all, we had a really good time! Now it's time for a snack....

Over and out, Buddy and his stick...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally, a new addition to our family!

So many of you know, we've been trying to expand our family. Yes, it's been years, but somehow, some of our prayers were answered. OK, that would be Buddy and Shane's. I came home from work yesterday to be greeted at the door by Buddy and Jerry. Jerry used to be his imaginary mouse (because another kid just wouldn't be fun), but now, thanks to what I imagine as a couple cute "I love you dad"s and a couple extra hugs we have now accepted into our home the descendent of the Bubonic Plague...

But he's a great fit, he gives loves...

And, we're so proud, he can already play trains...

All in all a bunch of super "rat"tastic days....