So I just finished working 4 days in a row, which to a normal person I'm sure that doesn't sound bad, but seriously, they were 12 hour shifts. To add insult to injury the last was a charge shift and a patient decided to have a seizure, drop her oxygen saturation into the fifties, turn blue, and let her baby tank (the nerve of some people). So I got to use my fancy jaw-thrust maneuver(it was very lovely I must admit) while another nurse bagged her and we run back to the OR. Thank goodness my shift ended 10 minutes after the fun began!! Anyway, I felt like I hadn't spent any time with Buddy, except for sleeping and that doesn't count, so I had full intentions on letting him skip school, turns out I'm that kind of mom, but when he decided 7:30 am was time to wake up, I changed my mind.
So when I picked him up from school we went to the library, turns out it's a holiday so it was closed (silly how you don't know about holidays when you don't get them off), but we completed our usual ritual of going across the street to get an ice cream at Winder Dairy anyway...

While we were there, Buddy decided to educate me on how ice cream is made. First the farmer milks the cow, as demonstrated here...

We weren't quite sure what happens after the milk goes in the bucket, but oh well, tastes yummy no matter how it's made!!!
Then we went to my parents house to pick up a windmill Buddy made in church, it goes super fast...

Then we decided to play/do a creative dance routine in the backyard...

Followed by a lovely rendition of Oh, Susanna, with an accompaniment by Papaw, on our newly made rubber-band guitars...

Later we went to the store and stumbled upon a great steal and attempted to create a wonderful holiday delicacy...

Unfortunately the steal, may not have been such a great deal, since our houses have a tendency to go....

All in all, a diabetic coma inducing, super fantastic day.