So the past few days, we haven't done much of anything, other than hang out together as a family. It's been super exciting around here. Buddy has picked up reading on his own. Of course he's doing it true family style...

Buddy has discovered a lump on his belly...

But thank goodness it turned out to be benign...

We've played ball...

We had time to build a ramp(Buddy did it all himself) and play with cars...

We brushed up on our super flying abilities...

In our laziness I did forget to put in some pictures from our trip to Seattle, so here they are, we had a great time looking for sea creatures....

Spelling our names in the sand (I promise it read Buddy, just in 4 year old)...

Since we were in Seattle, we decided to hug some trees like the locals...

We took a great nature walk...

Then, we weren't quite satisfied, so we decided to commandeer a sail boat an let out our true pirate nature....

You see those scallywags smiling, but they were trembling in their boots, fearful of the pirate Captain Buddy...

Even the dog was shaking in his boots...

That is until there was a revolt and Captain Buddy was tied up and taken prisoner with a sour lad...

All in all, we had a really good time! Now it's time for a snack....

Over and out, Buddy and his stick...