Today, we had some friends over while Shane was at work. Buddy decided to take some pictures to commemorate the occasion. As the professional he is, he's telling Zephyr to make his mean face with the stick that was quite the cause of contention.

Then, we saw a bear, it was two houses away and we had a sturdy chain link fence to protect us, so there we stood, gawking, it was pretty darn cool. And yes if the battery hadn't died, there would be a pictorial keepsake of the bear that Buddy has been talking about non-stop. That, and he keeps making sure to deadbolt the lock to all doors, doesn't necessarily need to be ours to be closed and locked.
Then, for the coolest of all feats, Buddy attempted and completed for the first time today....
Buddy did make a request, if you have read this blog, please leave your name so he knows that you saw him.
All in all, a super bear tastic day!