For kindergarten, Buddy's school sent out a letter saying that all he needed was a pencil box, some pencils, erasers and a few crayons. Yesterday, our masterpiece arrived...

Buddy is so fancy, it's got his name all over it, no really it does...

Sadly, I didn't order it in time to for his first day, so Buddy has been begrudgingly
hanging around the house for the last 3 days waiting for it. Those last three days have looked a lot like this...

What a great kid, he gets sick so no one will know that his mom didn't get his pencil box in a timely manner like all the other moms! He's an overachiever too, instead of it being strep like the doctor initially thought, Buddy developed a full blown case of viral meningitis (I'm so proud).
Anyway, he's on the upswing. Truthfully we've been to the doctors twice in the last 3 days and to Primary Children's ED last night and the previous two nights I slept with my hand on his chest(OK, not sure if sleeping is the right word, but you moms know what I'm talking about, counting respiration's, becoming the human thermometer). Today his temperature has slightly decreased and he has spent most of the day doing this...

Who knew an iPhone would have such a curative effect, like pet therapy, it's iPhone therapy (my catchphrase, I'm totally patenting it!)
So all in all a super fantastically, getting better day!