Yesterday we went to the Sand Dunes. It was Buddy and my first time and we'll have to say it was quite fantastic. We arrived well past dark, but with the full moon it was still fantastic, and I'm not sure what time we finally settled down to sleep. When we woke up this morning (which was way too early-I didn't need a clock to know that), Buddy was more than excited to begin his day of play. He also woke up speaking Spanish-seriously he asked me how I was doing and then translated himself (yay his school). So we decided to adventure quite a bit, I think we got a little dirty, and I think we are both putting an ATV on our Christmas list, so Santa if you're reading this these pictures are for you:

By the way Santa, safety is important, perhaps a helmet in the size smallish would be a lovely stocking stuffer?

We promise to be good, and not make too much of a mess...

Umm, never mind Santa, strike that last statement!...

All in all, another super fantastic day!