You can never wear enough protection!
Happy Thanksgiving! Buddy put up my parents Christmas decorations while I was at work today. To end the day, he played outside in the freezing cold with a wooden sled he found (shhh, don't tell my mom), now he has dawned on his sledding helmet and is trying on all of my mother's jewelry. He looks quite fetching I must say. So now I will bore you with my thankful list.
1. Buddy, cause he's the coolest kid I know
2. Shane, cause seriously I don't know that many husbands that will go out at 2am in the freezing cold to grab a box of tampons for such a cranky wife.
3. My parents, cause they rock!
4. My sister and her enormous family, without them we'd be bored!
5. My job, as much as I hate to be away from my family it has fed us, sheltered us and paid for someone to learn to fly!
OK, there is tons more, but there is a six year old needing accessorizing!
All in all a super fantastic, thankful, day!