Today we went to an Easter Egg hunt. Let me just put this out there, chocolate, plastic eggs, the Hawaiian sun and the 30 minute set up time for the hunt, not a great combo! Buddy had a good time anyway (after the Easter lesson that is, since we were at church). His impatience reminded me of when my dad used to make us wait to open Christmas presents until most of the Book of John was read. I'll just say, we don't wait for things well around this house...

Buddy was sadly disappointed that the eggs weren't actually hidden, just laying there helpless on the grass. His disappointment faded a bit when he found out there was candy inside, unfortunately the candy fill of choice was chocolate, hmmmm, slight problem!
Afterwards, we went to the park and played, then went home to continue the playing. Buddy decided it would be a great idea to make "crappy" (that's what he called them)
space craft so that they would rain down on Lego Town and the visiting trains from the Island of Sodor. We tried to make junky ships that were, heavy, loaded down and had very poor designs. Of course the space ships just had to crash cause an asteroid storm! Here is our end result...

Gladly no trains were harmed in the making of this Lego storm.
In other news, Buddy has taken a vat of truth serum. Today he told me I needed to exercise tomorrow, since I was getting fat again (totally true, but I'll blame our company last week, and then I'll blame them again for making me sick this week), and that I was almost growing a mustache. Awesome! Yet again true . Too much information? Probably but really funny since he pointed it out while we were cuddling in bed first thing in the morning and he was stroking my hair, that's right, my facial hair. Hopefully we'll get on the right track tomorrow, I hear an aesthetician and Jillian Michael's calling my name!
So all in all a super fantastic, it's probably a good thing all the chocolate was melted, day!