Today I took the boys to the beach, sounds like same ole', same ole' right? But it wasn't, there are a couple of beaches that are only accessed by taking nice long hikes to... therefore nice and secluded. We adventured to the beach at Two Palms today (seriously that's it's name cause you park at two palm trees to hike in, oh so functional and pronounceable, which I appreciate). I imagined this beach a nice secluded paradise.... ummm, if you enjoy rocks being pummeled at you by large waves, then it was a total heaven. Let me introduce you to one of the worshippers of this new found heaven...

I'm sure you had no idea it was Buddy. Just add some water and that boy will play in about anything...

Crazily Buddy played in the black sand beach for quite a while (seriously it was hot). While we were there though I decided to do something for my mom for her birthday (seeing how I didn't buy her a card or send a present, oops)...

Yep, I'm a pretty awesome daughter, oh and if you've seen this already on Facebook, too bad, the sand was really hot to touch so I'm going to slather this picture everywhere! Unfortunately on the hike out, Buddy tripped and fell onto some lava rock and banged up his knees. It was really no big deal, but the blood dribbled everywhere making them look gruesome, so he begged to not to have to take a shower when he got home until Shane had seen them. After the appropriate "oohs and aaahs" by said Shane, I took him to take a shower. I have no idea how he lasted in his suit for the hour before Shane got home, the boy had rocks falling out of his backside like no tomorrow (and I'm not talking about small rocks either). So now we're all clean, just in time to make a new mess tomorrow.
So all in all a super fantastic, rocky, day!