Isn't it amazing what you can do when you pull together as a team? Buddy and I had a meet the teacher conference at school yesterday, kinda silly I think since we talk to the teacher every day to make sure we stay on track, but well worth it since Buddy introduced me to his newest girlfriend Jasmine. She is beautiful and smart and runs away when he tries to hug her! I thought maybe he was thinking of settling down, but then realized that Buddy ran to hug every single kid that came in the classroom, the other parents were shocked at how shy he is, but we're working on it. The only time I think I've actually ever seen that kid shy was two days ago when he biked past the neighbors car and accidentally knocked of a car ornament (it is a really, really old car). I made him go next door and tell what happen and apologize. I'm not sure if shy is really the word, but he was very hesitant, but he did it and the neighbor was super nice about it. Anyway, back to our teamwork, another kid not knowing who is ride was after school yesterday, came to us crying. Good ole' Buddy put his arm around him and patted his arm, soothing him with words of comfort. I'm starting to wonder if Buddy is really a 60 year old man, I'm also starting to wonder if I forgot to pick up Buddy would he even notice?
Anyway, I'm missing the beach(it's been a whole week and it's always all about me) so hopefully we'll come up with some more awesome teamwork skills that involve the ocean when Buddy gets out of school today!
So all in all a super fantastic day!
P.S. Mom, Buddy was asking if he could go sky diving for his 8th birthday (since he knows he needs to be older to do that) or perhaps buy a motorcycle to drive to school for his 7th, what do you think?