Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Buddy had a friend come over after I got home from work, pretty sure she didn't have gun shooting on her list of things to do today....
Of course I'm pretty sure neither one of them had throwing sticks in the yard on the agenda either, or maybe they did and I just don't know a good thing when I see it! I guess I'm just getting boring in my old age (at least I'm not as old as Shane, errr, strike that last remark). In other news, we've been reading the Spiderwick Chronicles before bed every night and totally loving it (who knew faeries could be so awesomely scary and mean, now that's my kind of fairy(well, really Buddy's, but I'll pretend)).
So all in all a super fantastic, growing up too fast, day!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Rubbing off...
I'm not sure who is rubbing off on who, but I sure do like the end result!
So all in all a super fantastic, Happy Birthday Shane, day!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
There's always time for....
Not sure what was wrong with my boy this morning. When I took him to a pool party, he whined and said he didn't want to swim...so we left (actually I didn't even take swimming suits he was acting so weird about it). While we were leaving though, across the street were some of his school friends calling for him to come play with them. It was magical how the whining immediately stopped and he could join the battle ranks like nothing ever happened...
Who knew that guns were so curative, well, other than perhaps the NRA!
So all in all a super fantastic, playing with guns (again), day!
P.S. We did a lot more than play with guns today, I just didn't take any pictures of it...Wouldn't want you to think my 7 year old is gun obsessed (that would be bad parenting).....errr, yeah, not gun obsessed perhaps a better word would be concentrated!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Racial tensions?
Today I took Buddy and his friend from next door to go to a Chinese New Year's Celebration! After all that awesome drum thumping and fantastic dancing (with dragons even), do you think it's too late for Buddy to be Chinese? Seriously, it was awesome, and he couldn't get enough of it. He ran into some friends from school and they chased the dragons everywhere....or were the dragons chasing them? It was really hard to tell. Anyway, with all the acrobatic/ninja like moves, serious dance moves and constant drum beats, I'm just wondering if it'll look weird next year when one of the dragons is being piloted by a blond haired, blue-eye'd boy? Hope not, cause we're in!
To think that this morning the most exciting thing on our to do list was this...
So all in all a super fantastic, dancing our dragon tails off, day!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Promise fulfilled...
Yesterday Shane fulfilled his promise to Buddy about going on the roof, I got a get out of going on the roof pass by default of illness. Needless to say the boy was more than ecstatic....
I sure do love that little guy! So all in all a super fantastic, loving life, day!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Buddy has been kind enough to share his cooties with me. The accommodating fellow also got to pick my entertainment while I'm recovering on the couch....I shouldn't complain since I'm actually watching a movie instead of cartoons. This movie is full of ET ripoffs and a full break-dance sequence in a McDonald's parking lot (wasn't the 80's fantastic)?
In other news, we got a Chrsitmas present in the mail today (what can I say, the mail system really sucks here). Buddy has been creating all day, which is making me think that Christmas is so exciting, it really should be spread out over the year!
So all in all a super fantastic, got a case of the blah's, day!
Monday, January 23, 2012
I told Shane to keep Buddy home one more day to save the boy from an embarrassing diarrhea explosion at school today (hey, it's traumatic when all your friends point at your poopy pants and laugh....I'm not traumatized anymore by the way). Thankfully, the only uncontrolled fecal explosions during their walk today came from the birds and not Buddy...
I'm thinking he had a good time hanging with his dad...although the first thing he said to me when I got home was that Shane didn't take him on the roof to play! Really, playing on the roof? Who does that kid think he lives with? Oh yeah, a bunch of push overs, I promised to take him up after school!
So all in all a super fantastic, keeping it clean, day!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
It stinks in here!
Buddy has been quite sick over the last few days. Thankfully, a month ago I bought a subscription to Kiwi Crates (a ready made activity/experimenting set that comes in a cute packaged box every month) cause their timing could not have been better! Yesterday, we received our package, but Buddy wasn't up to it quite yet. Thank goodness today he was up for some old fashioned, mouth fashioned closed, fishing (seriously, who's not up for that)...
Then of course there was the all amazing floating tricks...
Oh, were we suppose to be learning something with our crate, my bad, we forgot to read the instructions. We'll go back to our regularly scheduled activity...
So all in all a super fantastically, seriously stinky, day!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Some things you might be interested in knowing before you entertain guests. First you can never be too clean...
Next the goofier you're dressed is directly proportional to how much fun you are having...
Let's not forget we are inside a house, in Hawaii...translation, it's warm (winter coats are definitely not necessary)! Lastly, many hands make light work, or a light mess...
Ummmm, yeah, pretty sure that next time we won't be entertaining guests with the Ivory soap explosion in the microwave, since I believe we all now have Ivory soap particles floating around in our lungs! It's nice to have clean lungs and all, but I'm thinking that might not have been the best way? The silver lining is that my entire house smells like Ivory soap, oh wait, I hate that smell! I'll just end it with the Budster had a fantastic time, as always. So all in all a super fantastic, entertaining, day!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Stud muffin...
Today, while Buddy was leaving school, he was grabbed by one of his classmate (Lillianna) and she asked him if she could be his girlfriend. His answer was a resounding yes (according to him, she's been really nice lately). Hmmmm, now I'm wondering what happened to Jasmine and Hemi? Seriously, this kid has a problem with commitment, or maybe not enough of a problem. In other news he stole my Big Mac...
Ok, it's not really news. It's kind of embarrassing that I'm not one of those health nut moms that never feeds her kids crap, but I worked all day....so what do you expect of me (I'm talking about the only picture I have, not the fact that my kid had a big mac)?
So all in all a super fantastic, growing up too fast, day!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Asking for it....
I'm so proud of my boy. Today Buddy was invited to go play with a friend at his house. The friend wasn't home yet and we were told to just go in his house and wait. After two minutes of waiting, he decided that it was a perfect opportunity to do this...
That's my boy...the model thief. Is it weird that we rifled through someone else's dirty laundry? Nah, but then again I'm proud of my boy for pretending to be a criminal, so maybe my judgement is a little skewed!
So all in all a super fantastic, photo shoot, day!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Homeschooling 101...
Today Buddy stayed home sick from school, so me, being the good mom that I am, gave him school at home. First he warmed up his cold crayons so we could put them to good use....
Errrrrm, yeah, that's my boy putting the crayons to use in a battle.
Next up, we learned that cleanliness is next to Godliness. No better object lesson than our dirty microwave. Thank goodness I had a bar of Ivory soap just laying about begging to be used to clean. What, you're not suppose to put Ivory soap in the microwave...
Ummm, I thought it was suppose to clean my microwave not explode all over it! What kind of crap experiment was that?
Oh yeah, an awesome one!!!
To round out the day, after our history lesson about the Donner party, we decided to try out cannibalism. After all, a good teacher always has visual aids and treats...
Now that's cannibalism I can live with (too bad I can't say the same about the turkey). So all in all a super fantastic, learning?, day!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Play time...
I went to work today, apparently so did Buddy...
Shane said that Buddy entertained guests for about 6 hours...from the mess I would've guessed that they were at it for a week! It's good to be a kid, after work today, I wish I were one! So all in all a super fantastic, playing hard, day!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I spy...
This is Buddy at church today, in Relief Society (which he calls by it's proper name The All Women Class)....
Anybody else spying his Sunday dress (that would be his fancy Tom and Jerry pajamas). I guess I should have specified to him that church is a day wear event. How about spying the fact that he's holding the baby that I always get to hold? Stinkin' boy is getting more baby hungry than I am lately and stealing all the babies before I get to! I'll have to start warming up before class with some baby grabbing exercises! Next time Buddy, next time.
So all in all a super fantastic, stealing babies and we like it, day!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Rioting riot....
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday, the kids went on a peace march at school...
Some were more peaceful than others!
In other news, we found a 1,300 piece Lego tank at the store today. Not sure whose bright idea it was to buy it, but pretty sure I have the most excited kid in the neighborhood. Of course I won't embarrassingly mention that Buddy is too busy to help me build the tank because he's playing with the army guys and their weapons first (maybe next time I'll forgo the tank and opt for a GI Joe?). Well, at least he's not playing video games, wait it that worse than encouraging violence in the workplace? Ummmm, yeah. So all in all a super fantastic, peaceful, or not so peaceful, day!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Working lunch...
For the first time ever, I got to sit at the popular table for lunch! Of course wherever Buddy sits, is where I consider the popular table, but I'm not biased! Buddy was more than excited and wanted me to share all my nursing stories (which, of course are always filled with the important things like poop, pee and farts) with his classmates. I'm pretty awesome, what can I say? So all in all a super fantastic, workin' it, day!
Monday, January 9, 2012
What have I done?
Recently I got a part time job at the local hospital, volunteered to become Assistant Cubmaster( with the understanding that I will replace him in May when he officially retires), and started the process of an online nursing program to finish my Bachelors degree in Nursing (not to be confused with my Bachelor's in University Studies which is universally worthless). Well, at least I have this to keep me sane...
Or was that insane? Well, here's to hoping for the best, and glad that at least one little guy will keep me company! So all in all a super fantastic, I'm already tired, day!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Black belt in surfing....
Hmmm, and I wonder why back is always hurting? No worries mom, this is an old picture that Shane had on his phone. Unfortunately, all the fantastic pictures I snapped today weren't saved because I forgot to put the digital card in the camera! Doh! I guess we'll have to go feed the sharks again tomorrow so I can record it, because the first rule of nursing is... if it isn't recorded, it didn't happen....that explains so much in life!
So all in all a super fantastic, slipped discs, day!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The sticks, and the eggs have it...
Buddy and I didn't do our blog yesterday because we were too busy entertaining our houseguests. The houseguests that slept in a fort we constructed in the living room just for slumber land (I won't mention where someone we know and love ended up seconds after the guests fell asleep...thank goodness for my king sized bed). To show the kids a good time I gave them each a stick and showed them a tree, I know, I'm such a great hostess!
So how do you bide your time with your boring mother after having an awesome overnighter with some friends? You break out the eggs...really you try to break out the eggs...
(Miraculously survived)
(Fantastically crunching fail)
Thank goodness Buddy has some fantastic family that sends fantastic books chock full of good ideas as Christmas presents, cause who doesn't like to smash a few eggs? Seriously, we might have been stuck holding those sticks all day otherwise!
So all in all a super fantastic, cracking up, day!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
I think Buddy must be pretty content with his lot in life. He's frequently singing and dancing, and then last night he giggled in his sleep. Yep, that's right, he climbed into my bed at midnight (which he usually does) and then promptly fell asleep and started his own little giggle fest. Unfortunately, he didn't remember what he was dreaming, which made me second guess that maybe I was just dreaming it. Nope, the giggle fest was confirmed by Shane. Then, tonight during dinner, we laughed so hard we pooped our pants, or rather one of us pooped our pants. Actually, I'm fabricating that part of the story, one of us laughed so hard, the poop came out and then proceeded to roll down someone's pant leg and landed on the floor (no questioning my genetic influence with that maneuver). Like I said, it's the good life...

So all in all a super fantastic, to save someone from embarrassment later in life, let's remember I didn't say who pooped, day!
So all in all a super fantastic, to save someone from embarrassment later in life, let's remember I didn't say who pooped, day!
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