Doesn't everyone else's kid don on a mustache, a beanie and a set of gloves for school (in Hawaii)....
In other news, the elf got trapped last night....

Let's just say this went over fantastically well, of course, I believe all of them are going over fantastically well since EVERY SINGLE KID in Buddy's class know's our elf by name. Every morning they ask Buddy what the elf did during the night. Good thing I got a kid from the funny department, not sure what I'd do with one of those serious ones....Now to make my mom happy (everyone else feel free to stop reading) I'm going to give a review of the Articles of Faith Carnival I did for the Faith in God girls I'm in charge of. For a month I've been picking up little trinkets here and there to put in our souvenir stand (and my mom and dad helped too by stuffing all packages headed my way with cheap goodies). Each girl was given tickets just for attending and then we had several games set up where they could earn more tickets (thank goodness I roped in a lot of unsuspecting helpers). We did a game of high striker (seriously, I found a cute carnival printable that had the name of a bunch of games so I just made games go with some of the names, crafty....or lazy, huh?). Anyway, for high striker I had taped to the wall all of the Article of Faith picture cues, like this....

and my helper would randomly read an Article of Faith and the girls would swat the correct picture getting as many as they could in a minute (they told me this was their favorite game.....because they could get the most girls). We had a game of balloon stomp, where they stomped a balloon that contained one cut up Article of Faith and they had 3 minutes to put it together. There was a game of bean bag toss where there were laid out numbers 1-13 and they tossed bean bags and had to match the picture to the number. Then, there was Lucky Dip, of course the name was the closest I could come to a description of a game of ping-pong toss into cups. The cups had numbers on it and they had to recite the Article of Faith that corresponded to the number(they had cheat sheets, but they got less tickets if they used it). Then, a game of Knock'em Down, I set up a bunch of Buddy's figurines with numbers on the back and they knocked as many down and then recited the corresponding Article of Faith. Lastly, we had a game of Ring Toss. Each soda bottle had a number on the top and when they got it, we read an Article of Faith and they had to fill in the blank. Since my girls love having their pictures taken and being silly (my kind of girls) I set up a photo booth. I had printed out a bunch of funny hats, mustache's etc, and borrowed dress up clothes. They loved it....

Of course, some didn't want to stop the game playing for the need to accumulate as many tickets as possible from the games, but I ended it 10 minutes early so they could gather their prizes. They were beyond excited, but who wouldn't be excited by mustache erasers, mustache earrings, stick on mustache's and notepads that say " I mustache you a question". I had gotten some carnival themed bags and stuck popcorn in them to give out at the end. The girls had a fantastic time and between my helpers and the girls.... I didn't have to clean up a thing....which was AWESOME! It was so awesome, I decided we're going to do an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party with their moms next month....of course the girls are going to decorate their mom's sweaters.....heehee, this ought to be interesting! So all in all a super fantastic, there you go mom, day!