Buddy has been hopping in the drivers seat anytime we jump in the car to go somewhere, so today Shane handed him the keys and told him to drive us to our destination. Buddy started the car with a little bit of coaching from Shane. While he was fiddling with whatever buttons and levers he could find, he mentioned he "didn't think it was a good idea for him to drive". Of course that didn't stop him from pushing and moving EVERY SINGLE BUTTON AND LEVER and saying repeatedly how much fun he was having! Thankfully, we arrived at our destination safely.....

Perhaps not safely for my bathing suit though that has a special sand trapping feature in the bottom of it! After a few rounds of body surfing, my suit had so much sand contained in the bottom of it, it looked like I had an accident of the stinky and large kind in my suit. Oh well, I have long since lost any sort of ability to be embarrassed about my outward appearance or possible misappropriated body functions! Buddy had a swell time though. But then when your mother saves your life at an early age.....
You're bound to enjoy the little things in life! Also, yes I have used the above picture numerous times in my posts, but it really doesn't make it any less funny (at least in my humble, very biased opinion)! Now for some seriousness.....tomorrow is Mothers Day, so I need to tell someone very special to me, "Happy Mothers Day"....
Mom, I'm not sure I can express how much I love you in words, so when I come out to visit in June, Buddy and I will perform an interpretive dance in honor of you! Just kidding (not about the love, about the dance)...if you want us to interpret anything it will probably include lots of farting noises, but I know you'll love us just the same. Thanks for always being my sounding board and keeping me awake on my drive home from working a night shift! We love you! So all in all a super fantastic, Happy Mothers Day Mom, day!