Last night we had another Arrow of Light/Pack Ceremony. The boys wanted Star Wars Lego themed, so they got Lego Star Wars themed...We have some seriously creative parents in our midst.....
Talk about getting into the scheme of things....
FYI-the only time Legos came into play was as centerpieces for the kids to make space craft at the tables while they were eating, waiting, whatever else they were really doing at the tables!
I even made paper Darth Vader masks for the little cubs to go to battle against the "Arrow of Light Saber " graduates, unfortunately I have no pictures of that....or of the garbage compactor that we sent the AOL boys through.....or all of the cubs practicing using the force (keeping a ball in the air using their light saber). But I do have pictures of this....

Not sure what "this" really is, but it looks pretty chaotic! Thankfully all my little cubs finally played dead at the end ....otherwise we would have been there all night. The boys had a blast....well, minus the one that got hit in the eye with a light saber-other than that kid, they all had a blast. I am now officially retired as a Cub Master (truthfully I bullied my way in to doing one last pack night to show the new Cub Master the correct way to throw a party (OK, I just wanted him to know how we like to roll in our pack)). Now I will resume my role as Webelos den least until Buddy gets his Arrow of Light, then I'm thinking I'll bully my way in again. I copied a lot of things from this
blog, and then revamped it to fit us a little bit better. I think Yoda is who put us over the edge of greatness, I'm pretty certain Yoda needs to make an appearance at every pack night from here on out! So all in all a super fantastic, Arrow of Light Sabered out, day!