Buddy was invited to a birthday party on Saturday, since the party wasn't until late afternoon, we decided to hit some home renovations that have been asking for it since we moved in...
Did you see what I did there? Buddy had a great time smashing down the bamboo wall on our lanai, it put him in such a great mood that he immediately requested to smash another toilet while he was in smash mode. Since all of our toilets are now in working order, that request was completely denied, but I'm thinking a day at the dump smashing things may be right up this kid's alley! Pretty certain I could win a Mother of the Year Award for a day trip to the local dump!!! Anyway, we got a little wrapped up in our demolition and showed up a little late to the birthday party. Thankfully, the party was going for 24 whole hours and involved a nice little camping spot on the beach....so we were good! We were really good!
His girl "BFF" was there and Buddy had a big old blast.....A blast is not a blast until you tell your mother in complete detail about it though....
(Actually he's telling me in explicit detail about a video game he plays with his dad. You would not believe how many details were discussed about his video game, but heck, he was talking, so I was listening)! After all the kids stayed up way too late and ate way too much sugar a few of them decided to go boogie boarding at the butt crack of dawn...

Not sure who put Buddy in charge of finding the "premo" boogie boarding spot, but Buddy led us on a 2 1/2 mile hike along the beach until we found the perfect spot....right in front of our campsite!!!!!When we got back I had to hurry and take a nap so I could work last night. I got a good whole 2 hour nap before work and then when I got home today I only got a 4 hour nap which leads to this next horrifying confession.... I woke up from my not nearly enough of a nap/nap and found Buddy on the computer-that is after his BFF Tyler had already come over and invited him to go to the beach with him and he declined. Then I unleashed my uncouth horrid inner mama and yelled at him for ignoring real socialization to play VIDEO GAMES (THE BEEDER FAMILY NEMESIS) ! I was so mad that I spanked him after he got some more ridiculous yelling from me. Afterwards, I apologized for spanking him, his response..."well, that's fine, it didn't really hurt". Did I mention I'm really tired and I don't make the best decisions when I'm tired? Did I mention that the FedEx guy showed up while I was yelling at Buddy? Did I mention that he left a ton of stuff on my front door and ran away? He was probably worried that I'd try to spank him too, but according to Buddy I spank like a girl (which I am extremely thankful for)! Anyway, we spent the rest of the day putting together our new treasures...

The last treasure was so awesome that we invited a few kids over to test it out for us....
Yep, it works! So all in all a super fantastic, definitely not my best day as a mom, day!