Frequently I worry that I might not be doing the best job of raising Buddy. I mean he's loved....boy is he loved, but then there is a whole religious aspect that is completely missing for Buddy. Being Mormon in a house married to an anti-Mormon isn't really what it's cracked up to be, so I usually remain silent, only insisting Buddy accompany me to church on Sundays. Sometimes I feel bad about that....actually, I take that back, sometimes I feel really bad and guilty about that thinking that he's not going to turn out as amazing as he could be if he had a strong religious foundation like I had growing up. Sundays are usually the worst for my self imposed guilt trips....Buddy hates going to church (who can blame him, there are a million more awesome things to be be doing than sitting still for 3 whole hours listening to grownups blather on about being good). Today while I was in Relief Society his Primary teacher came up to tell me what a joy Buddy was to have in her class. All I could think was, "oh no, what has he done now"....truth be known, he usually complains about this teacher because she makes him sit still and listen, so I thought for sure he had acted up and she was trying to kill me with kindness. She assured me she wasn't, but she wasn't talking anymore about it...and she was a little teary, so I didn't press her and decided to go straight to the source. I asked Buddy what happened in class.... here it goes. Buddy was in his class with 6 other boys, his teacher had made Musabi's (a delicious local treat made with spam) for them because one of the boys had his birthday. Unfortunately, the teacher hadn't made enough. She handed the last Musabi out to Buddy...there was one boy left without a treat. Let me just say this, Buddy LOVES Musabi's, anytime we go to the grocery store he looks to see if they have any (they are usually sold out first thing in the morning). So Buddy told me that he gave half of his Musabi to the kid that didn't get one. Then he said that he noticed the teacher didn't get any, so he gave half of his to her. When I told him what a good kid I thought he was, he said he was just doing what he thought was right. So I may not have a kid that knows his scriptures or even says daily prayers, but he is amazing in his own right and I am more than good with that. I really needed a reminder that religion really isn't about quoting scriptures but being good to your fellow man, I love this boy....

Even if he made me stay up 3 hours past his bedtime doing his homework tonight that he procrastinated ALL WEEKEND LONG.....Ok, well, I may have had something to do with the helping of the procrastination....
I just can't help but think weekends are really for playing and not for homework, but maybe that's just me! So all in all a super fantastic, getting a reminder,day!