About a month ago, Buddy's school had a art poster contest. The heading of the contest was "Sight is Beautiful"....honestly, Buddy doesn't know why or what this contest is even about. According to him, the posters were being made to send to some blind lady in Australia.....yeah, he's never been one big on listening to details. Matter of fact, he's never been one big on doing extracurricular events! The day the poster was due, lots of kids brought in the really elaborate posters of flowers, butterflies, and Buddy said one girl even drew the Eiffel Tower. Nope, not my boy, he pulled out his sketching paper and calligraphy set while the kids were handing in their masterpieces and he set to work making his. Yesterday, he came home with this....

Yep, that's right...my boy came home with a first place award for all of 5th grade and is now being entered into the competition at state level!!!! What the heck does that early bird know about catching the worm anyway. To celebrate, we hung the boy upside down....
And forced him into a fat suit......
Just kidding, that's all natural !!!!! In other news, last week while Buddy and I were out mountain biking/shooting there was a wild hog that we high tailed it away from. Buddy has made me take him several times over the last week trying to get a glimpse of the renegade hog. He even invited his BFF to join us for one trip. The boys were walking arsenals with all of the swords, knifes and BB guns that they were packing. I, of course was shaking in my boots and praying that we wouldn't see that hog again (they are not the cute an cuddly things that Disney makes them out to be). The boys were so sweet to look out for me by giving me the TINIEST KNIFE THEY OWNED to protect myself!!! If that weren't awesome enough, they also thought it was funny to throw rocks while I wasn't looking to make it seem like there was a hog about to rush us!!!! THOSE BOYS!!!!! I figured if it was up to them to save my life they better start practicing their sword play...

Yeah....I think they need to practice for several more years before I trust either one of them. In other, other news, Buddy has been at a ukulele festival all day....without me. I get to pick him up at 7 after they perform a Beach Boys Concert for the parents......he has been talking non-stop about this Uke festival! Who knew that boy was obsessed???? According to his library teacher, she's impressed by his high appreciation of the creative arts. I'll admit, I had to clarify that we were talking about the same Buddy! But with his Art Award and non-stop playing the uke during recess, he's got those teachers suckered(unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, not his classroom teacher)!
Here's a little something special for your day....you're welcome!
So all in all a super fantastic, last minute dealing, day!