I took Buddy and his BFF to the beach the other day. They thought a really hilarious game would be to hide from me at the beach....because children hiding while playing in the ocean is EVERY MOTHER'S FAVORITE GAME. Let me assure you, they excelled at it!
Let me also assure you, that I cheated....a lot! What can I say.... would you trust this face?
I didn't think so! In other news, I decided to see what it would be like to have a gaggle of kids around today....
Turns out, as long as there are free balloons to be had, I totally rock at it!
In other, other news, Buddy has hit puberty way too quickly and is already fine tuning the fine art of balancing 3 chicks at a time....
That would be baby chicks....I hope we are many, many, years away from the other kind of chicks (and he will be in huge trouble if he EVER refers to the opposite sex as a chick like I just did!). In the most important news of all, this arrived...

It all started when I happened across a
2cellos video last week and showed it to Buddy. He immediately became obsessed, watching all of their videos, listening non-stop to their music, humming and playing the air cello. He has forced everyone that comes into our house or car to listen to the 2cellos at a decibel that I'm sure is causing early hearing loss. The cello arrived yesterday afternoon, Shane had to 3D print a new bridge that got broken in Buddy's excitement in putting the cello together. (FYI-cheap cellos have to be assembled when they arrive, which is a lot trickier than it sounds when you have absolutely no clue what you are doing)! Shane pieced the cello together for Buddy this morning and the Budster has been playing it every free second he gets! It even came in a handy dandy carrying case, so of course Buddy had to take it for a walk...

He ended up walking over to the school and playing it over there for a while, because that's what you do with instruments.....take them on walks and stuff! I searched the internet, made a ton of phone calls and never found a single cello teacher on the island. Thankfully there is this little thing called the "world wide web" that I found him an online cello teacher on so he can live out his dreams of being a cellist extraordinaire. Buddy gets his first lesson next Monday, in the meantime, he's perfecting the art of looking like a boss! So all in all a super fantastic, ready for more fun and games, day!