Today is Buddy's first day of Middle School. This year he is riding public transportation to go to a town 30 minutes away. To say that I'm a little freaked out about this is an understatement, to say that he is more than overjoyed about this....well, let's just say he's been nagging me to get his bus pass before school even let out for summer! Unfortunately for him, the bus only runs when the private schools in the same town are in session. Fortunately for me, the private schools don't start for another week, so I got to walk my little boo bear to the front door of his class!
I think I may be using the term "walk to the door" loosely. He let me walk somewhat near the vicinity of the middle school building and then he took off running because he saw a friend from his old elementary school! He did holler "bye mom" and truth be told, just between us, we cuddled for a good half hour before heading to school per Buddy's request...I'll pretend I had nothing to do with that decision!
In other news, while attempting to be the most embarrassing mom, I win the worst mom award! Yay me! I decided on Sunday, that since Shane and I both were off of work, and Buddy didn't start school again until Tuesday, that we should head off and hike out to the nearby lava flows (I'm also using this term loosely, but it was only 8.5 miles round trip, which in the Big Island, is pretty dang close to being accessible)! We loaded up after church and headed out for the long hike. Turns out Buddy was wearing his new skinny jeans that I bought for him for school. Turns out, skinny jeans were not made for hiking. After approximately 500 feet into our 8.5 mile hike and non-stop complaining by someone who shall remain unnamed...I stripped down and forceably traded pants with the complainer....

Probably not the best move for my mother of the year award. In my defense, it was dark, there was hardly anyone around, no one could see us and was going to be a LOOOOOONG hike. After multiple tears and statements of complete embarrassment, he got over it thanked me, allowed for a goofy picture of our trade, and ran along the way. I however shuffled around like a penguin for the remaining 8 miles...but hey, I fit into boys size 12 skinny jeans, so I'll just keep that as my silver lining. Thankfully, the skinny jeans and I finally arrived to check out this...
Which gave me the ingenious idea to do some of this...
And since I wasn't completely done embarrassing Buddy, I added a little bit of this to the mix...
Just kidding, he wasn't at all embarrassed about any of that! But, when you're surrounded by lava and your mom is walking like a penguin it's hard to be embarrassed about much of anything! So all in all a super fantastic, only temporarily embarrassing, day!