This week was somehow poorly planned. Buddy's birthday was on Monday....pretty certain it falls on the same day every single year since his birth, so I'm not quite certain how it took me by surprise.....but somehow, here we are!
Buddy got guns for his birthday......I hope he won't need therapy......
He also got the gift of oral health.....
Shane and I make great of us may be a little more creepier of a parent than the other!!
We took him out to dinner and then made him do his homework.....because school work on your birthday is the best!!!!!! Two days later was Halloween.....weird how that one crept up too.....I had planned on making a Captain Hook costume where hook was getting eaten alive by a crocodile and swallowing Captain Hook. Sounds awesome, right. As you can see by the pictures below, my amazing plans didn't happen....matter of fact his costume this year was such a fail that he actually requested to wear his pink bunny costume to school instead....
The upside, he asked me to wear mine too. Later in the day, we headed to one of his BFF's house for their annual Halloween pre-trick or treating party. After another costume change of course!!!

Buddy had asked me last week if he could host a haunted house instead of going trick or treating this year. If you know me, you totally know what my answer was!!!! I was wondering how the haunted house would go down since I finally broke and let him watch an episode of Stranger Things and he couldn't even make it past the first 10 minutes and it was only last year he actually finished reading Harry Potter because it was so scary!!!!! Anyway, since we were super behind in the actual making of a haunted house, me mixing the blood was the only picture I got! I lost my voice by the end of the night, apparently scream-talking like a crazy person does a number on your vocal cords! Buddy had one friend that joined us with the scaring of others at the beginning and by the end of the night we had 13 kids joining in the scare ring....
I'd call it a hit, I'm not sure what this guy would call it though....

Last night was Buddy's birthday party....once again, it was like I was thrown off guard or something about the yearly bash throwing event!!!! We had wanted to take all of the kids to see the new Johnny English movie and out for Taco Bell (Buddy's favorite fine dining experience)....but the movie isn't playing anywhere on this island....and it took until this past Sunday night for the workers at the theaters to get Friday's list confirmed of all new releases. Basically we invited a bunch of kids for a huge time frame for Friday not knowing what we were actually going to do, because apparently we like flying by the seat of our pants around here!!!!!! When we found out Johnny English wasn't being released, I planned a party. Then I talked to Buddy about my party schemes.....he wasn't too jazzed about my party thoughts, he just kept giving me his puppy dog eyes telling me that "all he wanted to do was shoot for his birthday". Really?????So there goes the new party plans......which of course involved shooting....

and tomahawk throwing, and sledgehammers...
and goofballs....
and goofballs with beards.....
and night games....
and Uno for the vision impaired!!!
Buddy had a great time, I'm pretty certain his friends had a great time since they didn't want to leave!!! I guess we'll have to unplan a few more parties in our future! So all in all a super fantastic, glad no one shot their eye out, day!!!