So I haven't blogged since the beginning of summer. It might be best to grab some popcorn, and a drink and sit on down. This may take a while. Buddy has been asking for years to go to Disney World. The fine parent that I am, keeps deferring that trip, because let's be honest, my mother tortured me with too many trips to Epcot Center in my youth! Seriously, who takes their kids on summer vacation and then tries to make them learn stuff?Apparently moms do!
Actually, I take that back, some moms do. However there was no learning whatsoever on this trip to Disney World....
Unless, we include learning that walking in high heel shoes for 20 miles will do some serious damage to your feet....but apparently not enough damage to keep you out of going to Universal Studios while you're at it!!!
Or learning that ET is still my BFF after all these years....
After WAAAAYYYYY too long in Florida (seriously, amusement parks in the summer are LAME), Shane ditched us and Buddy and I flew over to South Carolina to canoe through Congaree National Park.....
Where some of us may have learned, that one of us takes their canoeing skills and steerage power WAY too seriously! After Congaree, we decided that since we live on a small island, and we didn't want Buddy to feel disadvantaged from the kids living on the Mainland, we did a road trip. The road trip included a pit stop in Charlotte to see a friend from my youth's band play a show. The total upside to the pit stop, other than a merchandise. Buddy walked away with two CD's a t-shirt and a drink koozy! I'm almost surprised he didn't ask for an autograph while he was at it!!!!!
Then we drove up to Danville, VA to go to a tank museum....where Buddy may have learned that his mom isn't going to spend $200 on a remote control tank, no matter how cool it looks!!!!
The next morning we woke up bright and early and skedaddled to I think my newest favorite place on earth....McAffee Knob....
I did all of my research before going, so we knew that there has been an increase in bear sightings on this portion of the Appalachian trail. Thus, being the diligent mom, I made sure to buy us each bells for our packs and a can of bear spray each....which I may have learned is easily dispensed if you have it in a side pocket and slide something against the aforementioned pocket!!!!
The next day we hiked more of the Appalachian trail and conquered Dragon's Tooth...
and we may have possibly learned that when you have done the most spectacular hike in the world and then do a meh's a little bit of a let down!!!!
The next day we were supposed to go to the Smoky Mountains, but somehow we decided to get our coon skin hats on...
and go recreate this picture instead....

Mission accomplished!!!!
We stayed with one of my aunt's in Kentucky and Buddy loved watching her backyard....
I think he may have loved me not forcing him to walk 20 miles a day too....but I'm not certain!!!
We hung out with the family for a bit...
I think Buddy really, really especially hated the driving in a 4 wheeler and going to my uncle Buford's hunting tree house and shooting.....huge disappointment I'm sure!!!!
Sadly, we had to come home, because this had to happen...
Thankfully, or not so thankfully (depending who you ask), I get to go to the same school as Buddy!!! It's a dream come true, I'm pretty certain Buddy may have learned that I can't get enough of him!
In other news, last weekend, Buddy, his cousin Kiara, Shane's cousin-in-law Alyssa and I competed in a Spartan Super (8 mile course with 25 obstacles) which was on my bucket list....
Where I may have learned that I could really use some upper body strengthening....and that Buddy and Kiara are AMAZING!!!!! So all in all a super fantastic, adding Burpees to my routine, day!