When Buddy and I returned home from helping my dad move, I started into some renovation projects of our own to find me something to do and get rid of things that were really not aesthetically pleasing. Buddy's bathroom had mismatched wood coloring for his cabinets. The bathroom walls were painted white with miscellaneous stains that I don't even want to think about where those came from, and his vanity had the ugliest beige tiles you could imagine! When I was talking about redoing the bathroom with Buddy, he asked me if I could redo his bathroom with a "pirate" theme. His wish is my command (also, how cute is that boy at 16 still wanting a theme! Since I'm not rich, and I was coming off of a successful renovation at my dad's, I started researching some do-it-yourself fixes for the bathroom vanity. Best solution I found was concrete...I decided on not coloring the concrete for a more "rustic" vibe for his pirate vibe, it was relatively easy...although I did freak myself out with the first apply because I could just imagine the destruction I might be causing. It took a few layers and a heck of a lot of sanding....and I have never been so careful with taping off in my life-but it looks way better than that tile ever did (well, maybe the tile looked better in the 80's.

He's had this for a month and it's held up really well, and he loves it, which is a bonus. I repainted all of the walls a crisp white and painted all of the mismatched wood white and added on leftover handles from my kitchen renovation. We installed a cool pump style faucet that Buddy totally loves, and added some accessories to fit the theme. I found these octopuses (or is it octopii?) online....
Instead of buying new light fixtures, I just spray painted our old ones black and added a copper top layer to match...
I found this porthole mirror to jazz up the empty space behind the toilet...
We actually have this mirror that was left from another house that we lived in, so we took it when we moved, it fits right in, and I gave it the same black/copper top spray.
I'm still waiting on the pirate battle poster that I'm going to frame and put in the bathroom to tie it all together, and I'm planning on having the bathtub replaced since whoever installed it the first time did a crappy job so we've never been able to use it. So that's what we have so far...not bad, but I wish I had before pictures so you could actually be impressed, instead it looks like a 6th grader's art project...which is okay, I was a good 6th grader. In other news, Buddy finally got his license...
He has yet to ask for the keys to drive himself somewhere, but he really likes us, so I guess he doesn't think he needs to go anywhere! So all in all a super fantastic....trying to renovate on a budget, day!