I have no idea how time keeps slipping away. I go to post some memories and then I see it's been 5 months. I'm not sure how I got so off track, so here's a blip of what has been going on. Of course I'm going to internally promise to be better, but I'm pretty positive I've written that in the last 6 posts, so I feel like I'm not very good with promises!
Okay, now on with the updates.
First, I took Buddy and some other teens to Waimanu to break in the new year! Consider it broken....
Thankfully we went when we did, because they have officially closed the road into Waipi'o so that you can't hike down and into Waimanu, which is a darn shame because it's gorgeous. Thankfully, many of the locals are taking offense to this closure and fighting to get the road reopened for hikers....which I fully support of course.
Shane turned 45 at the end of January. I threw him an 80's themed birthday party. We had pop rocks, Twinkies, ring pop's, candy cigarettes', and of course a life size printout of the birthday boy!
I invited his family, and they did not disappoint. His sisters and brother flew in with their families to surprise him!!! Best surprise ever! I told him we were going to meet some of my friends at Macaroni Grill for a double date of sorts for him to be surprised by his sisters and nieces. Buddy left the restaurant after dinner to go "bowling" with his friend, which was code for picking up Shane's brother, brother-in-law and nephew. Shane and the ladies went back to their rental to hang out when Buddy arrived with Shane's next group of surprise visitors. It was pretty awesome, but the party was pretty epic too! I'll say it was a huge hit, but I'm a fan of all things 80's, so everything would have been a hit in my book!
Shane's sister Hayley had such a good time that she decided to stay a week longer....that week was spent with me at the beach covering up as much as I could of myself while she frolicked in the freezing (by my ridiculous tropical standards) ocean!
For Shane's birthday present (okay, who am I kidding, for my own enjoyment), I had a 50's themed photoshoot for a picture to put in Shane's workroom in the garage. Now there is a nice little metal print hanging above his worktable...and no, you don't get to see the picture, but enjoy this picture in it's steed...
Buddy started a job at the local grocery store as a bagger. I'm not sure what the official title is, but you get it. With Buddy's first official paycheck, he bought a kit to turn my retro bike into a motorized bike...
He has been riding it non-stop for months now!!!! He has also been working on it for months now because it leaks like the devil. He has also been asking me to go on rides with him, and I can't quite seem to keep up.
I started keeping a running log because I wanted to be able to record how many miles I ran for the year at the end of the year. I am only recording running miles, walking isn't counted in my totals....I guess in my head I just wanted to know what my knees should be looking forward to for their future. Anyway, I had extended my distance of running, had gotten into a routine of doing 6 miles every other day and then I would do 9 once a week. I'm not sure what happened, but I started getting really tired, dizzy, really couldn't walk for more than a few steps without getting exhausted. Apparently this was going on for a month (since I kept my running log I had dates), joined with a fever every day that would strike in the afternoon. After 3 weeks of trying to get a doctor's appointment (welcome to island living), I ended up here....

That would be the ICU at my local hospital where I received enough antibiotics to kill a horse (okay, not really, because then I would be dead), and a blood transfusion-and Shane got to miss traveling to Denver for work. At first they thought I had an infection caused by possibly drinking poorly filtered water on my Waimanu trip (my filter was acting funny, so it was possible).....but now the epidemiologist that has taken over my care is stumped, so now I get to have frequent lab draws and a referral to the hematologist....
Who doesn't love a good mystery when multiple vials of blood samples are involved. Shane is not impressed even though I keep trying to gross him out with my pictures of all things related to blood!
Buddy and I ganged up on Shane about not getting to go on his job perk flights where he gets x amount of flights a year....and then he gives them to people that are not us. Buddy won the breaking down of Shane and we got rewarded with an amazing waterfall landing flight....
Two thumbs up, a million gold stars and the pilot wasn't so bad either.... I think we'll keep him!
Two weeks ago I started to do this again....
I'd like to say that my slow speed is because I was/am sick....but let's get real, I run a 16 minute mile, so basically I can walk faster than I run, but I can swing my arms really well on that run!!!
My niece that goes to school on Oahu texted and asked if she could come visit me for Easter....in my excitement, I started making Easter baskets for her and her two friends that are coming. That got me scrolling on my bff amazon, which made me run into this book.....
So of course I had to get a book for my great nieces and nephews. I mean, I wouldn't be very great if I hadn't!
Shane's sister wanted to come to the beach some more, so she came back and talked Shane's little brother and girlfriend into joining her, so we went some places and did some things.....
Shane's sister had a family emergency and had to leave early, so we tortured Shane's brother and girlfriend the best we could....
Apparently, it was very sunny on this torturous excursion....
But hey, there were prom backdrops and bunnies, so what do I care?
We did take them to the botanical garden that my mom loved so much here. I really like this ginger, so I thought I'd post a picture of it, it reminds me so much of mom.
I miss her like crazy every single day. I mean who else am I supposed to tell if someone is driving me up the wall? Shane is learning to pretend to be my listening partner, but he really needs to work on his southern accent and he is still refusing to wear the wig and glasses!
So all in all a super fantastic, going to work on blogging more consistently, day!