Okay, now back to the rewinding of the past year, my friend from college came to visit me for Spring Break....it was just like old times. You know, the old times, where you dare your friend to stand under someone's ridiculously oversized umbrella.....
Monday, July 31, 2023
Back to the rewinding.....I do have a friend!!!!
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Pausing the rewind to unwind...
Last week one of Shane's co-workers invited us down to hang out with them at their camping spot near our house. Shane had to google map from the air to figure out which lava rock path to take to get us there, then we had to use his truck in a fancy mode (don't ask me, Buddy was in charge of the gear changes and the button pushes) to take us up and down a super sketchy path! Seriously, I walk there and back from the highway because I don't want the stress of riding in the truck.....the boys of course love it!
Anyway, Shane's friends told us that they like to go camping there and have been going for years, but since it's so remote most people don't know about it so they have the whole beach to themselves.....Well, as soon as we left that day we decided that we should go camping there the next weekend! It's the next weekend! We high tailed it to the spot as soon as Shane got off of work so we could get there before sunset....not sure if the truck would have survived otherwise. I off course got dropped off at the highway and took the tent since going by foot is way faster and I wanted to make sure the tent was up before we lost light....
Made it, just in time for the most important event of the night, fire making....
Seriously, if there was an amusement park of just going different places to make fires, pretty positive the boys would think that was the most amazing thing ever! The next morning I woke up to the boys already out fishing....
Friday, July 28, 2023
Still holding the rewind button!
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Rewinding on vacation?
Since I'm a year late....and always a dollar short, I figured to best way to catch up is to rewind a bit starting with the most recent happenings. I got a phone call from an old friend a few months ago. She is the mom to one of Buddy's best friends from middle school. The boys did everything together for a few years...that is until they lamed out on us and moved back to Florida because of the dad's work. Anyway, I digress, she wanted to talk about their vacation to the Southern Utah/Arizona area that they were planning. She thought since I had been there so many times I could give them some great travel trips.....at least I think she was wanting travel tips. Instead somehow got us tagging along to part of their vacation and I don't regret a second of it!
Buddy and I had taken a train from Seattle to Utah (because, duh, trains) which I'll post about later, then we rented a car to Las Vegas (our meeting point) so I could scratch something off of my bucket list....Antelope Canyon! I got us a tour of the Upper and Lower Canyon since I figured the Budster would want to take a few pictures....

Thankfully, our friends weren't big Vegas fans either (although I'll be honest, I did want to walk around and check out a few adventurous things to do.....Okay, I wanted one of those ridiculously fattening doughnuts from Saint Honore Doughnuts and Beignets! We ended up going to the Valley of Fire State Park instead...
Which was way better....especially since we didn't die!
The boys were sure to ham it up about their height difference since once upon a time, Buddy was the taller one in this duo and Jordan has shot up since the last time we had seen him!