Since we didn't get to Seattle for Christmas (long story that I'm hoping to get to), I thought it would be great if Shane could at least celebrate his birthday with his family. Every good birthday needs a good birthday party, and every good birthday party needs a good invitation....
and good props....
and every good prop needs a good photo background!
Backstory is that Shane and all his siblings got Cabbage Patch Kids for Christmas one year, and those kids have played and played...and possibly are still playing with their Cabbage Patch Kids. I thought it would be hilarious if we did a Cabbage Patch themed birthday party since we were going to be with his siblings....that could also bring their Cabbage Patch Kids for a reunion party of the century!
His family did not disappoint....
at all!
While we were in Seattle, we decided to take a group to check out a local Cat Cafe....
Which also, did not disappoint.....
Then we decided to check out an Archie McPhee store....

Which definitely did not disappoint and now I'm rethinking all the choices in my life that did not end up with me creating items for good ole' Archie (look up the store and then you'll see what I'm talking about....if you land on porn, that is definitely the wrong Archie, this Archie is hilarious). We were planning to stay a week, but my brother-in-law got a kidney transplant the weekend before, and his wife had to go out of town, so I got to hang out an extra week in Seattle. That sounded great to me, until Buddy got sick and I had to ship him off to grandma's house to quarantine, then I was stuck making quick daily assessments and food drops to Buddy (wearing PPE of course) and then scrubbing up to take care and boss around my brother-in-law (seriously, he was a trooper with my constant pill reminder and water pushing)! Since he was still napping a bit and the kids were old enough to entertain themselves during the middle of the day, I found an ingenious way to entertain myself!

If you didn't guess it, I went on destination runs everyday...which was AWESOME!!!! I know it looks like I'm wearing the same clothes, and I am, I promise they were clean, but it was so cold I wore all 3 pairs of running pants to run in and every warm shirt/hoodie I thought I could stink up! Seattle has amazing things to see, but the traffic is ridiculous and the roads are super small, so running was perfect. Plus, I don't know how their drivers became so courteous to runners, but I love it. If I was getting anywhere near a road crossing the drivers would all stop....depending where they were stopped, some would even back up to give me a wider space. Anyway, back to to cold weather....
It was so cold that all of my fingers ended up chapped and cracked like this. It hurt soooo bad, that I couldn't wait to get home after the 2 weeks of Seattle weather.
So all in all a super fantastic, thank goodness for warm air, day!