Saturday, November 7, 2009


So today is my inglorious 37th birthday. Yet another year has gone by without me becoming pregnant and I have noticed quite a collection of wrinkles gathered around my eyes. So this morning I woke up with my sweet little boy(since my husband, I assume thought that me sleeping in on my birthday would just be silly-can you tell I'm a little bitter), and helped him finish his birthday present to me that he started yesterday with Shane. All it needed was a little smidgen of glitter...

I believe the mission was accomplished...

When Shane did awaken from his birthday slumber (yep, still bitter) he mentioned that glitter is like the herpes of crafts. To that, I completely agree, and am actually thankful that we are renting our humble abode and the glitter, that will I'm sure appear in places when we least expect it, will not be our eternal problem.
To celebrate my special day we did some things that of course every girl is dying to do on her birthday. First, we flew airplanes...

Then a spin in a sports car...

We did end our day with the Sweet Tooth Fairy, mmmmmm, yummy!

Now some more girly birthday festivities....

All in all a super fantastic, think I've been overtaken by boys, birthday day!


  1. I wish your birthday was more "girly." That looks like a hot ride though. Perhaps Shane thought he was going to "get some" if he wowed you with that fancy car. You are the most awesome mom to be working on your own birthday present with Buddy. You definitely make him a priority. He's going to be wonderful man when he grows up. I think your present to yourself is your wonderful son.
