Today is Christmas, although in the life of a nurse, sometimes you have to compromise holidays and things get switched up a bit. So last night at about 9:35pm, Santa appeared and left a plethora of gifts for all who believed, the rest of us got a pregnancy test, hmmm, Santa is so on my bad list....

And yes, this was all I got from Santa, not sure if that means I've been naughty or nice.
So here are a few highlights of some of my favorite things....
First Buddy and Shane running to the window to see where Santa must've gone so quickly....

Then Buddy's older brother in on the ruse, I mean, telling us he never saw Santa, just heard a loud thunk (Santa sure is loud when you're trying to get the attention of a 5 year old)!

Then, the dramatic show of falling over with joy from a crazy rabbit game!

Of course there is the marking your territory, otherwise known as mine, mine and mine...

And nothing could be finer, than having the exact same toy as your cooler, older brother...

All in all a super fantastic Christmas, we're going to repetitively make toot noises with our noise putty until someone screams uncle, day!