Friday, April 2, 2010

Girls love pink.....

So today Buddy came out of the bathroom holding his penis and complaining that he had a "thorn or splinter in it". If you have boys, you understand that that statement could totally be true, somehow having an extra appendage takes on a whole different meaning with the things they attempt to do with it! So the mommy/nurse (one in the same I think) in me takes over to see if there truly is something in his boy parts-while I'm pulling back the foreskin he says, "see, it's pink in there, girls love pink". Aside from the internal giggles that I'm trying to control, images of my overtly flirty boy showing his "pink parts" to all the girls at school fill my head!
In less disturbing news Buddy won an Easter contest at our apartment complex for guessing how many jelly beans in a jar! He won one of those fantastically huge baskets that I always dreamed of owning when I was a kid!

Seriously, could he be more of a goofball?

I wonder where he gets it from?

So all in all a super fantastic (uh oh, someone has the butt pee)day!

1 comment:

  1. Now, I don't usually go in for that newfangled text-y talk, but this time, it's just true...LOL! :)
