Friday, June 18, 2010

A few good men...

The other day I went to go pick up Buddy from my parents house. I could hear giggling in the backyard and the lawn mower going, which confused me since my parents were sitting under the shade of the patio drinking lemonade. The giggling again, and there is my cute, little 5 year old pushing the lawn mower (that is actually running) and making patterns in my parents lawn. Hmmm, DCFS please don't come and get me! He thought it was great fun, made me remember mowing the lawn for the same set of parents, it only took me once though to figure out lawn mowing wasn't quite the fun it looked like it should be.
So I've been sick for a few days now, and today is the first day I've actually ventured out of the house, so here are a few things the boys have done without me...
Yesterday the rodeo, Buddy of course wore his cowboy getup and we are looking for an available slot on any local rodeo for the mutton bustin', I think Buddy has found his new calling in life...

That's a dollar another kid gave Buddy after the cow chase, never heard of such a thing. They paste money to some calves and send all the kids out to get some cash, sounds dangerous, but then again I let my 5 year old mow my parents lawn, so who am I to judge?
So today while the boys were practicing Buddy's bike riding abilities, they decided to take the boat for a spin...

I think I have an inkling of what will be on both the boy's wish list very soon....

The nice old man that was driving that gave Buddy a run down of how his boat works, not to be outdone, Buddy gave him a run down of his glorious Toy's R Us special!!!
So for now,a very super fantastic day with my very good men (or at least in training)!

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