Buddy has been talking about what we were going to do today for a while. Last night when he was finally about to go to sleep (remember we're on a 5 hour time zone difference), he pleaded with me to wake him up as soon as I got up so he wouldn't miss a second of this morning. What would get my late riser so excited to get up so early on a Saturday. Let me tell you....one word....HEMI....

I'll assure you, he won't get up early for anything, or anyone else! We were invited to watch Hemi race. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to watch her race. We did have time to try out her fancy go-kart...

More importantly though, Buddy had time to put the moves on her....

Just an FYI, I heard Buddy ask her to marry him at least 3 times in our one hour visit, my how my boy is growing up! We also went to Lagoon today and with his new grown-upness (that's totally a word), he rode for the first time Colossus, Wicked, Spider, and Wild Mouse. It was fantastic fun, at least until one of the workers decided to be the height Nazi and not let Buddy on Colossus anymore because his lacking 1/116th of an inch (yep, I'm serious on both counts). Thankfully I snapped this picture before someone rained on his parade...

At least he didn't let his height hamper anymore of his maturity, as evidenced here...

That's right, nothing says I'm a grown-up better than drawn on underarm hair, it almost brings tears to my eyes!
So all in all a super fantastic, growing up, day!