Is it just me or is he the cutest thing this side of the Pacific Ocean, oh wait, we're in the Pacific Ocean. Yep, just what I said, cutest thing. I believe it makes him look a little more mature. I think this new found maturity has him brushing up on his pick up lines. Today in the car ride he told me "cupid must have been in the delivery room, because I've loved you since the day I was born". Seriously, where did he pick up that heart melting line? Let's just say it was definitely not from his father!!!! I just wish he'd been a little more smooth with his words at the Optometrist's and not mentioned that he likes to play "shoot 'em up" games. Thankfully Shane was there to absorb the embarrassment of those horrid words (PS we haven't played those games in 2 weeks and they have been officially and thoroughly banned, if only we could break Shane of the addiction).
So for now, a super fantastic, looking good, day!
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