Buddy has two new playmates over right now, they've already had a marshmallow fight and constructed their fort (not at the same time, that might be a little messy), but they are in the middle of creative genius land (and I wholeheartedly approve). While I was waiting outside Buddy's classroom this afternoon, patiently waiting for the dismissal bell to ring, he came out to read a book to me that he had made for Thanksgiving. He and I sat out on the bench outside his classroom and giggled up a storm, which of course made the other kids curious and join in. Pretty soon Buddy was reading his book to 5 hysterically giggling first graders, oh yeah and one mom who acts like a first grader. His teacher came out to see what all the commotion was about, here's the commotion....

They say you can't judge a book by a cover, but you can from this one. Here is the hero of the story walking into a pole (a la yesterday's post picture)

Sweet, innocent, thankful for presents? For a second I thought I must have raised a spoiled child, then I saw what he was really thankful for...

What can I say, he's hungry for knowledge?

If people can wear fur, shouldn't wearing a turkey legged shirt be socially acceptable too?

OK, this one may need translation...I am thankful for the people that I live in (he better be cause his host body had to get some corrective surgery due to the big headed people(person) that lived inside.

Nope, not a doubt in my mind this kid has inherited my sense of humor...poor kid never had a chance at being a snobby aristocrat.

Translation for the fuzzy picture.. I am thankful for the poop that I love. Hmmm, I love a good poo too, but I'm pretty sure I won't be hugging it anytime soon!

Here's Buddy's shout out to the turkey's that are frequently crossing the road around here (insert corny joke here, after all this talk of poo, I'm kinda drawing a blank).

Glad he made a note in his comments that he loves himself!

This is the back page cover art of all the people living inside of people saying bye.

Here is the back jacket cover page, if you can't tell what it is....well, you must not hang out with us potty humor folks if you don't get it, but it's Shane on the potty and Buddy nearby farting and waving the stink away!
So after his teacher read it, she told me she was glad I read it first, cause if she had read it, she would probably have made him redo it. Oh, the sadness of having regulated/regimented schools. I was actually surprised she would have made him redo it since she lets him eek by with doing comic strips for his writing assignments instead of journalling, but I guess everyone has their limits...Well, other than me....and apparently Buddy.
So all in all a super fantastic, writing our hearts out, day!