Heck, I was so inspired, I made a list of all the cool things we could do today (ummmm, my list had 20 things and we only did 3). I told Buddy all about our awesome crafts we were going to do while we were walking home from school, so we started immediately collecting leaves and flowers to do a hammering project. I think it was our lucky day, cause did we not only collect a leaf, but we collected this too...
When we got home, we started making some crafts, of course with our side kick, well at our side...
I think this caterpillar must be a boy, cause he immediately inched over to this...
So we made some straw rockets...
Built a fort...
After we were done with that, we noticed that the caterpillar must be close to making a chrysalis, cause seriously it was pooping and eating up a storm (which made someone have a case of the giggles). So being the Eco friendly people we are, we took the caterpillar back to where it came from... so we could get more leaves (come on, you wouldn't think we were that responsible to put it back did you). So of course when you go for a walk with your caterpillar, you have to walk past your favorite neighbor's house. Now when you walk past the neighbor's house, you have to stop and talk. So when you stop and talk, you have to invite them on the walk, or that would be just plain rude. Then after you get home from the walk, you have to continue the fun, or that would just be plain boring...
So to end your fantastic day, you climb into your fort to sleep (with your lantern of course), invite your favorite dad in to join you, and then read to him from your ridiculously large edition of "The Sailor Dog" that you found in your school library....
So all in all a super fantastic, can't wait to do it all again tomorrow, day!
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