Saturday, August 10, 2013


Buddy's first soccer game of the season was this morning. Here's Buddy warming up with one of his "BFF's" before the game.....

Actually, I was quite hesitant to post these pictures....I'm afraid the other teams will stumble upon this post and find out the boys' pregame workout strategies! Seriously, these boys had some awesome tricks up their sleeves today and I can only credit it to their focused preparation this morning.  Now that Buddy is playing in U10, he can play the role I believe he was destined for....
Ummm, that'd be goalie if you're not quite into soccer and have no idea what I'm talking about. Just look at his moves...

Just's what he really did....
He blocked 2 scores....which was awesome, since we missed both practices this  week and he's never played goalie before. Then his coach let him play center mid because his coach last year never played him in that position (don't get me into that, it's a whole other diatribe). Buddy was elated and he did awesome....
He came back to me dirty and sweaty....
I'd say job well done! I'd say the boys' thought so too...
Unfortunately, he was so tired by the end of it all, he had to keep hitching rides....

Surprisingly, he never really did get very far like that! Oh well, maybe next time he'll pick a faster moving statue! In other news, one of my old college roommates is in town, which means that not only do I get to relive my 20's, but we also get to mooch off of her and use her pool access at the's a total win-win (at least in my book, maybe not her's)!
I still can't believe that we are 20 years older than when we first ALMOST makes me think I'm old, but then I think again, and I'm good! So all in all a super fantastic, living the simple....simply awesome life, day!

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