Thursday, February 6, 2014


Buddy stayed home sick today. Yes, he totally could have gone today, but I'm not a huge fan of the cootie sharing that the school already does. Plus, after staying awake half the night listening to him cough, and then staying up the other half listening for him to breathe because I gave him a double whammy of medication I totally  we totally deserved to sleep in and rest today. I had him call his teacher and get his homework assignment for the day, to which his teacher thanked him for being a "responsible student".  Oh look, the pigs are flying again! In other news, Buddy placated me by letting me take a picture for Facebook.....
So I could post some of the advantages to being afflicted with "color vision deficiency" (aka colorblind). Seriously, when we got the diagnosis from the eye doctor he acted like we should be devastated (ummm, we weren't and we already knew).  So Buddy will never be able to disarm bombs.....pretty certain I won't be losing sleep over that loss. On the bright side of what he can do: solve a Rubik's cube in record time,  be a great companion on St. Patrick's  Day when you have forgotten to garb yourself in the obligatory green, and you always dress impeccably (because everything in your closet matches). Colorblindness for the win!!!! So all in all a super fantastic, not so deficiency deficient, day

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