Thursday, October 30, 2014


Yesterday was Buddy's birthday party. I'm not sure why I don't remember how windy it is every year on his birthday, because every year I start a giant cardboard tower construction and it usually ends up looking like this about two seconds after I walk away...
Apparently all my arguing with the wind doesn't seem to help...but the boys (and girls) didn't seem to mind! We had a zombie themed party this year, we even handed out survival kits....
Because we're cool like that! Here's our instructions that Buddy read to start us off....

The kids had a blast....and I sang zombie "Happy Birthday" waaaaaaaay too many times!!!!
 Thankfully, our yard is perfect for little boys....

and little zombies....
Lots of little zombies (that's not even all of them)....
 The wind was so bad that we couldn't light the candles, so we just had make believe fire instead...of course those two in the back are just providing a different kind of fire for us! We could of gone into the house, but do you blame me for not letting them....besides, they're zombies, I'd be a silly person to let them in to eat my brains!
After it was all said and done (and I cursed the wind a few more times), Buddy declared it the BEST PARTY HE HAS EVER HAD!!!!! So I guess we'll call that a brain eating success. FYI, my mom called me today to ask me why I didn't post anything last night. Let me show you exhibit A again...

After all the wind cursing and brain eating, we went to bed...even zombies need their beauty sleep! So all in all a super fantastic, party people, day!

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