Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Just not right....

Today is April Fool's, one of my favorite holidays. I'm pretty certain it's a holiday and not just a "day". Although I was looking for cards today to verify true holiday status and they don't sell April Fool's Day cards????? I think I'm going to start and make a fortune! We did our usual Jell-o/ orange juice in the morning, with our frozen bowl of cereal. Buddy forgot his glasses so I took them to him buried in a box underneath a pile of pennies. When he got home he headed straight to this piece of work (Shane's had Saran Wrap)!

For desert we had sponge cake...

 Which turned out to be a lot more spongy than cake...but the whipped cream still tastes the same!

I do really need to start coming up with some more awesome pranks....well, I came up with more awesome ones, but apparently they are all banned at school....go figure! Anyway, Buddy's been afraid to eat, drink, brush his teeth or basically do anything just in case it's been pranked! Maybe that's even better than the actual pranking? In other news, I'm starting to get ready for our "Colorful Easter" Party on Sunday. Is it totally wrong that since I bought 200 Easter Eggs to hide and I don't want the kids all hopped up on sugar x 200 I started stuffing the eggs with leftover Halloween supplies?
The kids won't mind right, as long as there is something there....right???? I'll just keep telling myself that! In other news, 
So all in all a super fantastic, something just not right here, day!

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