Saturday, April 6, 2013

Play that funky music white boy.....

Buddy has been asking for several months if he could get an electronic keyboard/learn to play an instrument. Well, I guess today is the day! He has been playing for 5 hours non-stop with the goofiest grin on his face....
Well, goofier than usual I guess I should say. Now that Shane is home, I have two boys rocking out. Thank goodness the Easter Bunny decided to buy me some more Rockabilly dresses so I'll have something appropriate to wear! Yep, somehow it all cycles back to me. In other news, I took my car to get a simple oil change and safety check. The garage was so backed up that it took 5 hours, but the waiting totally worked in Buddy's favor....

It's amazing how fast time goes by when you're playing video games and eating churros! Thank goodness for a nearby arcade and Taco Bell.....we almost think they must all be in cahoots with each other for how fantastically things went. Plus, he got some awesome Sea Monkeys with all his tickets he won (paid good money for). I love those things, I had some when I was his age....unfortunately they had an untimely death when a huge storm blew in through an open window and the monkey's were on the window sill. Whoopsie! Anyway, while we were walking in downtown Kona to get to the arcade, Buddy mentioned how much he can't wait to go to Utah. The trigger for the comment......stores, lots and lots of stores (we don't have those where we come from). Look out Utah, we  are coming your way in June to help you out of your recession. You are totally welcome for our unselfish sacrifice! So all in all a super fantastic, I may or may not be getting a headache...Hey,  who handed the kid a microphone to go with that keyboard (oh, it was me), day!

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