Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The series of events.....

A few weeks ago Buddy checked out of the school library a book about face painting. That led to him asking me to buy some face paints. Which led to the Easter Bunny placing some face paints in his basket. Which led to him asking his mother to paint his face just like the "kid on the cover of the book". Which led to his mother telling him she didn't have that good of a memory. Which led to him using part of his recess time to check out the book from the school library. Which led to him coming immediately home and locking himself in the bathroom for 30 minutes and exiting like this.....

He had paddling practice today, so the ocean washed all the paint off pretty quickly, but we had our friends/neighbors over for dinner, which led to more of this...

and this...
I even got a little something from the efforts.....
It's not every mom that can say she got lip and mustache marks on her cheek from her 8 year old boy! In other news, Buddy has declared that he wants to take keyboarding lessons because according to him the keyboard is the most "scientific instrument because it makes the most noises". Hmmmm.....I'm replaying an episode of Friends in my head where Ross plays the keyboard and it's just a bunch of weird sounds and he thinks it's phenomenal and Phoebe is the only one who actually thinks it sounds good. Yeah, I'm picturing that in my near future. So all in all a super fantastic, eventful, day!

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