Sunday, June 2, 2013


Tomorrow we are headed to Utah to go see family. Buddy is more than ecstatic to go and has been giving me a countdown of how many days until we leave for a whole month. Since he's been out of school  this week , I thought he'd settle down and at least let me sleep in (seriously, it's summer, you're suppose to sleep in).....I'm not so lucky. 6:30 am EVERY SINGLE MORNING this week, he's hopped up on the bed and hollered out the count down. I just don't understand the excitement. I mean,  hanging out with 9 cousins, living on a farm with horses that you get to ride and a plethora of dogs that hang in the yard that just want to play, and let's not forget the chicken coop with of course the chickens? Then you add boring things like amusement parks and zoo's, that actually have animals AND a train! I'm just not sure what he's excited about???? Thankfully, (at least for my circadian rhythm) tomorrow the torturous waiting will be over. For now, we're just trying to occupy our time....
Yep, I'm pretty sure there are better things to do to occupy our time, we just couldn't think of any! So all in all a super fantastic, are we leaving yet, day!

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