Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Travelling with monkeys.....

It's a tricky thing, travelling with monkeys, they kind of just want to hang all over things....
Then, you turn around and they disappear on you.....
That, or you find them doing something second nature to them....monkeying around....

Today I took the kids to the Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake. We went because we heard they were having  an exhibit about 101 inventions that changed the world and Lego's made the list. Seriously how could you go wrong with that? No seriously, how could they go wrong with that....cause they did! The rest of the museum more than made up for it with all it's hands on projects, or should I say, hands, feet and head on projects....
The kids even got to make these really awesome gear boxes....

(Sorry it's sideways, but I wanted to show how cool it is, and this time a picture really wasn't worth 1,000 words)
I just happen to know a Cub Master that is totally digging the awesomeness/simplicity and cheapness of those boxes! I also know a Cub Scout that is jumping at the chance to show his off! I think we make a great pair, but then again I'm totally biased. Now for the most awesomest of all, the kids worked really hard doing this....
So you could enjoy this....
You are totally welcome for that. I'm pretty sure Hollywood will be knocking on our door any day! It was a fantastic day with my two monkeys. Well, other than the fact that the monkeys insisted we ride the rails to the end of the line just for fun ( I must be getting old, because it really wasn't as exciting as Buddy thought it was)! So all in all a super fantastic, monkeying around, day!

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