Saturday, October 26, 2013


This morning Buddy woke me up at the crack of dawn so we could put some finishing touches on his Tie Fighter...
We finished it in record time, so I went back to take a power nap and Buddy decided to just walk around the neighborhood pulling the Tie Fighter. Pretty certain if I were an 8 year old boy, that's what I'd be doing too. Anyway, he walked around a while till another kid broke one of the wings...... so we did a little remodeling (when I say we, I totally mean Shane and Buddy, because I don't do well with things being broken right after I spent hours putting them together... I'm human, I have flaws, pouting like a 3 year after someone broke my toy just happens to be a big one!). After the boys finished the remodel job, I did a remodel job on Buddy's face....
I think it turned out very well, that is,  if you're into the Darth Vader without a mask look....which we totally are!  I'm thinking it turned out pretty awesome if I do say so myself!

I loaded Buddy up and then we took a mile hike to the local park for a Halloween party with our ward (that may of not been my brightest idea every, because it was hot, and long, and full of fun hills, but it was a great workout if nothing else). Buddy melted so much that he immediately took off his bald cap,scars and most of the makeup had run onto his costume! Best laid plans, I tell ya! The ward was putting on a carnival so Buddy wanted to contribute by giving free rides!

Apparently Buddy is part horse from all the carting he was doing! Seriously, even the parents were amazed at his super human (horse) strength. Unfortunately, when the party was over it was my turn again. I'm voting next year's model be attached to something with a motor, but I'm pretty sure that's my biceps talking right now. So all in all a super fantastic, don't need to exercise for the rest of the year, day!

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