Monday, July 28, 2014


Yesterday Buddy woke up to a dead mouse. Not sure what happened, unless you can die from too much love? The family immediately went into a mourning period, we donned on our black mourning clothes and did what any normal mourner would over to Hilo (they just do mourning better there I guess). I'm not sure if Buddy was planning on a wake, but Shane was in charge of the arrangements. Shane had rodents for pets when he was younger, so I'm pretty certain he was in tune with what Lucy would have wanted. We  went to Kilauea at night to see the lava eruption. This has been on Shane's bucket list for years, hopefully his bucket list didn't include having me and Buddy at his side while he took pictures for 2 hours. We ended up staying in the car, because apparently we can't handle 60 degree weather anymore, even while wearing our winter coats AND pants!!!
Then, when we woke up this morning, Shane talked about getting really fancy and renting jet skis. Shane apparently forget he was a penny pincher when he woke up this morning and when he said jet skis, he really meant logs and sticks....

At least he did splurge and took us to another island. As you know, island hopping can be pretty pricey. Shane, the ever mizer, just had us swim over.....

Errr, yeah, we could have walked across the bridge to coconut island, but where's the fun in that? Also we could have stayed on land, but once again, where is the fun in that?

Thankfully, we have ended our mourning period.....ummm, we did only have the mouse 3 days, so I think 5 hours of true mourning is appropriate. Tomorrow, the plan is to return the corpse to the pet store and hopefully get a younger friend (or two). So all in all a super fantastic, not mourning, day! 

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