Thursday, October 28, 2010


Tomorrow is Buddy's sixth birthday! We are so excited! Buddy announced that it was his most favorite day, then he proceeded to ask me if I enjoyed birthing him? Hmmm, still debating if that was a loaded question. Anyway, after his two week stint of television overload while he had meningitis, and his introduction to Sonic, we are now embarking on the best Sonic the Hedgehog Birthday Party ever!!! At least I hope so, that and we're hoping the weather is good tomorrow or I'm going to have a very stuffed house of little people! So here is a sampling of our super coolness...

Our tattoos, Buddy has now put off washing his hands until after his party (unfortunately I'm not kidding)!

Some fantastic gift bags, seriously, how cool are we? Sonic himself is giving us a thumbs up (or is that a thumbs sideways?)

Of course the day before your Sonic birthday you need to have a Sonic sleep over to get you in the mood...

So all in all a super fantastic, I'd have a million hematomas if it meant I got this in the end, day!

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