Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mission Impossible...

Do dee da doo.. Or however the theme goes, just get it in your head while you look at the mission Buddy and his cousins accepted. It goes a little like this, first the dangerous maze through horrifying lasers that will burn right through you if you happen to make a mistake...

Next up the dangerous spreading of frosting, one false move and your costume is toast (doo de da doo)...

Next they successfully completed the task of witch racing, I just couldn't remember which witch was which...

Thankfully they completed the craft table unscathed...

However, it does appear that there was some markings placed to identify the team members...

The last stage of the mission was crucial, the all important handling of the "goods"...

(A side note on the bag, one of the girls I work with made it for Buddy, it glows in the dark, how stinkin' nice is that?)
A good spy on a mission will frequently check on his "goods" just to make sure his mom didn't take them (again)...

So all in all, a super fantastic, Buddy is sad that we don't have any more customers (trick or treaters), so come on over, day!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Today was Buddy's sixth birthday, today was also the birthday bash of all birthday bashes! There were races, balloon popping, silly string and dodge ball, what more could a kid ask for? Well, perhaps to put on your own cone of silence, of course your cone of silence is always better with a friend...

And to top it all off, why not ask for a spanking from a friendly party-goer?

Buddy had a fantastic time, his favorite part according to him was all of it. So now we are shamelessly ending his birthday bash at his cousin's house for a sleep over (I guess Sonic wasn't interactive enough last night)! He is growing every single day, hopefully he'll stick to his pledge that he'll still love me when he's a teenager, and that when he gets married he'll live with me (maybe I won't hold him to that one)! Since it's his birthday, I can totally let the super cheese flow and say how much I love him. He is the best thing in my universe. I truly believe I am the luckiest mother alive because I have him. I love his friendly personality, his funny quirky sense of humor (not sure where that came from), and I love how sensitive he is to others(most of the time). Today he was racing with a toddler that slipped and fell, he just bent down and asked her if she was OK and then helped her up. My boy the helper, maybe it's his super power- I know his teacher reported to me just yesterday that he likes to help her sweep the classroom (hmmm, wonder if he's related to anyone that has OCD?)
So all in all a very super fantastic birthday, day!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Tomorrow is Buddy's sixth birthday! We are so excited! Buddy announced that it was his most favorite day, then he proceeded to ask me if I enjoyed birthing him? Hmmm, still debating if that was a loaded question. Anyway, after his two week stint of television overload while he had meningitis, and his introduction to Sonic, we are now embarking on the best Sonic the Hedgehog Birthday Party ever!!! At least I hope so, that and we're hoping the weather is good tomorrow or I'm going to have a very stuffed house of little people! So here is a sampling of our super coolness...

Our tattoos, Buddy has now put off washing his hands until after his party (unfortunately I'm not kidding)!

Some fantastic gift bags, seriously, how cool are we? Sonic himself is giving us a thumbs up (or is that a thumbs sideways?)

Of course the day before your Sonic birthday you need to have a Sonic sleep over to get you in the mood...

So all in all a super fantastic, I'd have a million hematomas if it meant I got this in the end, day!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Gypsy Life...

The last few days Buddy and I have shamelessly used our family connections to hang out with seven of the coolest kids I know. The fact that they make you wear a head wrap and fortune tell at their makeshift carnival is only a bonus!
All in all a super fantastic, only 5 more days until someone has a Sonic Birthday, day!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ghost Train...

You may enter the ghost train with a smile on your face...

But, be afraid...
Especially of that creepy guy in the red hat...

Remember, we warned you....

All in all a super fantastic family day!

Male model....

Recently we took our family photos while the weather was still slightly goodish (if you count gale force winds good). We used OpieFoto and we love her, I think Buddy may have a crush, if not with her, than possibly the camera...

Is it just me or does this boy have some personality? Either way, I think I've got something special on this end of the bargain. Just wait till you see the Christmas edition of our pictures (yes, I already took my Christmas photos, and yes, I have already finished my Christmas shopping, but don't worry, my parents already hid the stash from me because of my tendency to spoil everyone surprises early). Maybe I'm turning over a new leaf? Ahhh, probably not, my parents just decided to do an intervention (possibly 38 years too late, but who's counting?)
All in all a very super fantastic, going to ride the ghost train tonight, day!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

All I want for Christmas....

Buddy's second tooth popped out!

Someone is growing up fast, and losing his teeth faster than you can whistle along with Alvin, Simon and Theodore. At this rate we'll have a gummy old man in two weeks(maybe we should bring the skullet back)hmmm, hope he likes his birthday cake pureed!
So all in all a super fantastic, tooth falling day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Double standard....

Today while we were carving pumpkins, Shane and Buddy thought digging out the pumpkin guts was gross, so that task was delegated to me. Somehow, they didn't think this...

was gross at all, and definitely not when you're doing a little of this...

Don't miss the grass Buddy taped on the porch so you would think the pumpkins were sitting in a field, it fooled you didn't it?
All in all a super fantastic, tricky kind of day!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Child-rearing practices...

We have a rule at our house, eat all your fruits and vegetables, no matter how prickly they are!
All in all a super fantastic, eating right, day!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Harry McNary....

We've been reading a lot of Tooth Fairy books at our house lately. Why you ask? Because we have been expecting this to happen...

Today was our lucky day, and we have already been visited by our local Tooth Fairy (Harry McNary), who was very prepared since Buddy and his tooth will be spending the night at his aunt Donna's house. So what do you do to celebrate such an occasion?
First you have a fantastic meal of caviar, because your royal senses can handle nothing else...

Then you hang out with some local celebrities, cause your cool that way...

Then you hang with some ghosts...

(Even if you are slightly afraid of them). Then you end your special day by trying to see how much straw you can possibly get on you. I think we can do way better next time...

All in all, a super fantastic, how many crazy faces can we make in one day, day!

Better yet, how many others can you talk into joining you?

Friday, October 15, 2010


Last year, Buddy's teachers frequently commented ,more or less told on Buddy, for never wanting to join the class at coloring time. Of course it's a Montessori school so since he didn't want to do it, he didn't have to. The mother in me fretted about him not being like the others, maybe he wasn't creative, maybe he would never use his hand for anything more than assisting him with making funny faces. A year later, I just believe that maybe he wasn't provided the right canvas. My boy is quite creative, he's just into mobile art (I'm sure a gallery will be contacting us soon for a showing)...

All in all a super fantastic, I think I found a new manicurist, day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coming clean...

Buddy has been preparing me tonight for my first ever parent-teacher conference tomorrow. When I say preparing, I really mean he's correcting the little fibs he's told about why his art teacher is mean, why he has to go hang out with the babies at the end of school, and most importantly why he doesn't really need to sing in music and movement class. My boy, makes me proud of his creative thinking!
All in all a super fantastic, school is cool, day!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Motley Crue and the Buddy(ing) artist...

Today we ran into a bunch of hooligans, I believe they were conspiring against us...

I'm not sure I've ever seen such shady characters...

Or not seen such a large booger that was still present several hours after this picture was taken, only noticing it after it was pointed out by another mother (thank goodness my non-judgemental sister)...

It's like they were everywhere, and they were chasing us...

Seriously, whose bright idea was it to dress young children up like zombies and have them chase the living around? Oh yeah, it was mine, and it was fantastic....

See, Buddy thought it was fun!!! So what do you do after you've turned everyone into a zombie, well you have a zombie bath with as many cousins as possible (swimsuits of course, because otherwise that might be weird)...

Then you host a family dinner party and see who will fall victim next. Usually grandma's are good for volunteering to be your next prey...

After one cracks, the rest fall like dominoes...

How clever of us to use family members for our art project, inviting them under the ruse of a get together huh? At least lovin's were exchanged for the use of the human canvas...

All in all a super fantastic, artist in the making, day!