Monday, February 26, 2018


So, Buddy's cousins made a surprise visit for their Spring Break.....We surprised them with a fancy spin in our super fancy swing.....
Then we surprised them with the ocean.....

FYI-I don't think they were really surprised that they were seeing the ocean while visiting us.....go figure. Keyon was surprised with a whale shark that swam right past him while we were snorkeling!!! Heeheehee! We surprised them with our gun slinging skills....
We surprised them with a hike into Pololu'u, mostly I think we surprised them when we made goofy faces for selfie photo time!!!!
Buddy surprised them with his horseback riding skills....
I think we definitely surprised them with our sushi consuming abilities....
We really surprised them with our extremely boring movie watching abilities....
Lastly, we surprised them....and possibly almost killed them, with Buddy's diarrhea making abilities that kicked in yesterday right before they left! Yep, everyone was surprised, not sure if it was a good surprised though........ In other news, Buddy and I have been playing a card game that he was making with his cousin....
Errrr, call me surprised, but I didn't understand the game at all....although Buddy did, I guess that's all that really matters. Buddy won every single hand......I'm starting to question this game.....So all in all a super fantstic, cousins are funsins, day!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The pits!

Buddy's BFF got to spend the night last night. I think he was staying under the ruse that we were going to take him surfing with us in the morning.......yeah, the boys went fishing again instead. Which means, I got to go kayaking 2 days in a row, which is fantastic for my soul, not so fantastic for my girly hands!
 The boys actually caught a fish this time thankfully....of course after 5 hours I think they would have had even more luck just jumping into the water with their hands open to catch one bare handed, but whatever, fishing as a sport is super weird! Anyway, since the boys caught a fish we took it home to eat it. They watched a Youtube video of how to clean and gut a fish.......glad they watched it while I was actually doing it because they were too grossed out to touch it. Whatever, knowledge is power and all that! In other news of knowledge, on our way home we decided to make a pit stop at the local fire department  to visit with a search and rescue pilot Shane used to work with. Pit stops also mean photo ops.....

 and horribly graphic stories about rescues (which were disgusting and awesome all at the same time....I highly approved, secretly I think the boys did too)! Then I pit stopped the boys in front of this....
Good thing no one thought to pit stop me because I'm pretty certain I could do no such thing......but then again, could just anyone do my blog? Errrr, yeah, hmmmm, guess I didn't think that one through! So all in all super fantastic, hope I don't have nightmares or a tummy ache tonight, day!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Boys rule the day....

Buddy had the day off of school and Shane had the day off of work, so we did some stuff. Weird stuff.....I think Buddy might've liked it. It even included shooting water in a barrel, Buddy's a good shot FYI!!!!!
 It even included fishing off of a pier that included a water taxi....
 Yep, I'm the water taxi.....
So all in all a super fantastic, now he's doing a game night a friend's house, day!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Higher Love.....

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, I think we did the day proud.....

So all in all a super fantastic, not sure what we'll do to celebrate President's Day, day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

My funny Valentine....

 This year Buddy almost didn't want to hand out Valentine's. Truth be told, last year he was only one in his class that did....but seeing how he was handing out glow in the dark flashlights that said "You light up my life", the kids thought he was pretty cool and didn't mericilessly mock him. This year he almost thought he was "too big" to hand out Valentines to his schoolmates, that is until we found poo pencils with poo shaped sharpeners....
 That's right, it says "My love for you is like diarrhea, I can't hold it in". Buddy couldn't say no to comparing his love to you know that boy at all? He doesn't even have to wear his school uniform tomorrow,  so he's going to wear his "I love poop" shirt to commemorate the occassion! Thankfully, he's classing up the act for his teachers with these 3D printed bookmarks.....
Speaking of class acts of true love, I started my period Sunday and then proceeded to have accidents all over the place because I am a disgusting heavy bleeder. Whilst I was containing myself to the only safe place...that would be the bathroom....for hours, I came out to find my true love doing this....
Pretty certain you can't tell from that picture, but Shane got on the internet to start searching for the most absorbent tampons in the world....and then he bought them for me (on the internet, because they don't sell that stuff around these parts). Now I'm not sure of what the proper sentiment to express here should be? Can't wait to break them in? Can't wait to put them to the test? Hmmmm, I'll think on that, I do know I have a sweet husband. So all in all a super fantastic, ready for my chocolate, day!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

New Traditions....

We decided to join another family and do some adventuring today after church. We wanted to get the honu (sea turtle) to join us, but he wouldn't budge. I don't blame him. 
 Turns out that Buddy brought an entire backpack of supplies just for him and his friend.....not lifesaving supplies like, you know, weird things like water, food or even sunscreen. Nope, he packed a huge pack full of airsoft guns, ammo and even a scope for one of the guns...... 

 Seriously, boys are weird, good thing I'm not....

Errr, what was I saying? So all in all a super fantastic, love our new  tradition....didn't love the cold water so much, day!

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Took Buddy to the beach today.....apparently he is unsure of what should happen at these aforementioned "beaches"....

So all in all a super fantastic, one of these day's he'll get it, day!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Grasping at straws....

It was Buddy's early out day, so we planned to go to the beach.......Mother nature had other plans in the form of a lightening storm. We decided to batten down the hatches, light some candles and play some good ole' fashioned games.....
My plan was working fantastically until Shane came home and turned on the lights that someone had turned off to set the "power out" mood! Stinkin' Shane! So all in all a super fantastic, is it sad that I wish the power really went out more , day!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Mr. Popular....

No one really ever invites us to do anything (I may or may not be exaggerating that point)! Anyway, somehow, this past Saturday we got invited to do 7 different activities for the day. We started out meeting up for our "Surf club" (which I put in quotation marks because between Buddy and myself, I'm not sure if we could be truly considered truly in surf club). 

 Then we headed to the local bowling alley for a birthday party for one of Buddy's schoolmates....Not to brag or anything, but I totally won the "Pac Pot"...
 The boys went bowling....or should I say, spent an hour wearing bowling shoes while constantly changing and rechanging their names on the screen.....
 Then back to the arcade to spend as much money as humanly possible in order to "win" some cheap toys.....
 Yea, Buddy's sword popped the next day! Then we had some many night time parties that we all had to divide and conquer to hit them all! Sheesh, good thing people don't usually like us so we can get some rest! In other news, it rained today so Buddy decided we should go on a walk....

There was a pretty good lightening storm going on....and we were carrying metal umbrellas so Buddy quickly wrapped up the walking in the rain jaunt. I told him he'd have a great story if he really did get hit by lightening....but he didn't buy it! Oh well! In other news, Buddy's school has a core value that they review every month ( you know like, respect, know the stuff that jerky middle schoolers probably need to be reminded of). Every month they vote for the student that embodies the value that they've been reviewing. This month is empathy.....and you guessed it, my boy was voted as most empathetic. Is this where I insert that according to the Budster the entire 7th grade has been going bananas.....and Buddy's been out sick....sooooooooo....... His winnings, a school day without having to wear his uniform! Ha! So all in all a super fantastic, looking for the funniest shirt to commemorate the occasion,  day

Friday, February 2, 2018

Best Mom/Wife EVER!!!!

Shane had a birthday recently. I put a lot of hard work and effort into his cake this year....
I know, totally over the top, right. Then today I ordered Buddy's gift for Valentines Day. Because I'm all about putting a lot of hard work and effort into presents this year (apparently), I ordered Buddy socks and ties with our faces on them....
I was just going to have Buddy's face on it, then I thought, what teenager wouldn't love to have his mom on his socks and his tie to remind him of her love every second of the day? Good thing I'm smart! So all in all a super fantastic, so excited for Valentines, day!