Thursday, July 31, 2014

Throwback Thursday...

Buddy and I decided to be ridiculously lazy and do a whole bunch of nothing today. So instead of showing you a picture of us being all kinds of boring, I'll show this boring picture instead!
It's amazing what you can talk people into when there is a camera involved!!!
So all in all a super fantastic, boring, day!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Law Breakers....

I had some of the Webelos over at my house today to work on our citizen pin. One of the requirements was for the boys to name 6 ways in which they followed the laws of the land today.....turns out not a single boy committed murder it was a good day. Although, somehow, when that was EVERY SINGLE BOY'S first answer, it makes me think the teenage angst years are quickly descending upon us....
So all in all a super fantastic, hopefully not a teenager too soon....

Monday, July 28, 2014


Yesterday Buddy woke up to a dead mouse. Not sure what happened, unless you can die from too much love? The family immediately went into a mourning period, we donned on our black mourning clothes and did what any normal mourner would over to Hilo (they just do mourning better there I guess). I'm not sure if Buddy was planning on a wake, but Shane was in charge of the arrangements. Shane had rodents for pets when he was younger, so I'm pretty certain he was in tune with what Lucy would have wanted. We  went to Kilauea at night to see the lava eruption. This has been on Shane's bucket list for years, hopefully his bucket list didn't include having me and Buddy at his side while he took pictures for 2 hours. We ended up staying in the car, because apparently we can't handle 60 degree weather anymore, even while wearing our winter coats AND pants!!!
Then, when we woke up this morning, Shane talked about getting really fancy and renting jet skis. Shane apparently forget he was a penny pincher when he woke up this morning and when he said jet skis, he really meant logs and sticks....

At least he did splurge and took us to another island. As you know, island hopping can be pretty pricey. Shane, the ever mizer, just had us swim over.....

Errr, yeah, we could have walked across the bridge to coconut island, but where's the fun in that? Also we could have stayed on land, but once again, where is the fun in that?

Thankfully, we have ended our mourning period.....ummm, we did only have the mouse 3 days, so I think 5 hours of true mourning is appropriate. Tomorrow, the plan is to return the corpse to the pet store and hopefully get a younger friend (or two). So all in all a super fantastic, not mourning, day! 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Industrial strength....

We've really been working on responsibilities around here. Not sure when it became Buddy's responsibility to take out my stitches...but half of them have been removed, complements of him....

I decided to wait till tomorrow to remove the other half to see if the area will heal better. Thankfully he's always such a good helper and he tries to never hurt me (otherwise, I'd never let him near my leg)...I had to kick Shane away from me though, he wanted to help out with a pair of wire cutters! Seriously!!! What is it with men that they think everything needs to be completed with industrial strength tools? So all in all a super fantastic, don't trust Shane with a 10 foot pole, day!

Friday, July 25, 2014


We decided to expand our family once again....this time in the form of a little church mouse. Buddy named her Lucy and we decided Lucy needs a playmate. I begged him to name the next mouse we get Ethel, but he's not buying it. Buddy even cleaned HIS ENTIRE ROOM without me asking for the mouse. Of course, he only cleaned his room so the mouse would be able to get around in her ball. That's right, Lucille has a Ball....
Of course, you want to make sure that such a high profile celebrity enjoys her stay, you really have to offer some over the top amenities, like....
A food taster....
An onsite general contractor ....
and a professional man handler (errrm, let's keep it clean folks!)
Lucy is very loved, Buddy even said he wanted to sleep in his OWN ROOM with her tonight (what a concept), which makes the $10 purchase price more than worth it!!!! Woohoo! So all in all a super fantastic, I love Lucy, day!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


I told Buddy this  morning that Tyler (his best friend in the entire universe)  returned to the big island last night. Buddy called and texted (because just doing one wouldn't be nearly enough of an effort when it comes to Tyler) and invited Tyler to come and play! Since no one answered the phone for a whole 10 MINUTES Buddy decided he should use that time to have a heart to heart about being so lonely without Tyler around for the past 3 weeks! Seriously?????? Buddy lonely? Hmmm, I'm pretty certain he doesn't have a good grasp on what that word really means! Anyway, Buddy ended his horrible run of loneliness today....

Sheesh!!!! Thank goodness Tyler is back or Buddy would just keep on having a lonely summer! So all in all a super fantastic, not lonely anymore, day!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Zip it....

I took Buddy out for some high quality adventures yesterday. I treated him to a high quality grocery cart ride.....
 He wasn't that impressed!  I decided to up the ante and took him on another adventure that included sailing (or more technically, paddling) one of the seven seas....
Good thing Buddy is quite the sailor.....unfortunately for some of us land lubbers, things did not go so well during our high adventure.....
 I'm not sure who's idea it was to put a reef in the ocean, that's just silly! Thankfully, I got very good use out of my brand new dress that gave a whole new meaning to easy access for my leg....
 And Buddy got really good use out of the hospital couch!
FYI-the picture of me in the dress was taken well before the injury. Trust me, I'm embarrassed to admit that I cried like a little baby the whole way to the hospital!
Today, Buddy decided we should give my leg a well deserved rest (What a good boy, right?!), what better way to rest than zip lining......

Buddy decided to take "taking a rest" to a whole new level....
Yep, that's him upside down! Total bonus of it all, when you aren't tall enough to stand on the platform someone's always there to give you a helping hand!!!!

Buddy had a blast, to say the least!!!! I'm starting to think this kid may be an adrenaline junkie....Not sure who he would get that from....
Hmmm, I'm still not sure! Anyway, tomorrow is another day to find a good way to rest my leg. Thank goodness Buddy is so altruistic by nature! So all in all a super fantastic, zipping it good, day!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I worked last night...the neighborhood dog worked yesterday day....
I'm not sure who had it or him! So all in all a super fantastic, getting a dog sled ride to my bed, day!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


I've been trying to get Buddy to learn his multiplication tables for weeks now. Buddy has been distracting me from teaching him for weeks now.....

When I say distraction, I really mean distraction...
He's so good, he's even got me distracted......

I'll admit, wagon riding is A LOT more fun than math! So all in all a super fantastic, still didn't do our schoolwork, day!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Lazy butts!

Yesterday we decided to take it easy and lounge around the house since I worked the night before. Well, we lounged around the house after we went to the optometrist to get Buddy a new set of glasses for school....
Went on a submarine ride....

Took the neighbor's dog for a potty break while they are off island....
Then went to a local ranch (well, that just seems silly since everything is local on this island)...
Where the boys got to do some branding...
As well as work on their lassoing skills....
Oh, then to top it off I ended the night with working the rest of the night. So now we are lounging around the house being lazy butts. When I say we, I totally mean me! Shane came home right when Buddy and I were loading up the car to go to the skate park and Shane took pity on my soul and volunteered to take Buddy so I could go to sleep. I'm pretty certain when Shane said sleep, it was really code for me to catch up on my blog and watch a girly movie since I never get to watch one when to boys are around. So all in all a super fantastic, lazy, day!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Yesterday on our way down to take a submarine ride, we noticed that all of the helicopters at Shane's work were grounded. We took a chance and ended up taking Shane's lunch break with him....which turned into more of a lounge around/hang out with since Shane's flight got cancelled. Shane was sure to take Buddy in a ride on the really fancy stuff...
Yep, that's right, Buddy was tickled pink to ride around in the golf cart at the heliport!!!!! You can tell this kid is spoiled since he thinks helicopters are no big whoop! In other news, I just worked part of the night shift and now I get to go to sleep for a whopping 5 hours before taking Buddy to his piano lesson. Also, in other, other news, we never did make it to the submarine ride in case you were wondering! So all in all a super fantastic, gotta go to sleep, day! 

Monday, July 14, 2014


Shane used his 3-D printer to print out a whistle for Buddy. Buddy has been whistling non-stop ALL DAY!!!!
In other news, Shane will be printing me a set of earplugs tonight! Thankfully, Buddy took a rest from the whistling tonight. I have never been so grateful for headgear in my life.....
Pretty sure he does not agree with that sentiment! Oh well, at least he looks cute no matter what he's doing (that is my completely biased position!)! So all in all a super fantastic, suddenly silent, day!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I asked Shane to take a photo of me and Buddy boogie boarding today. In my mind the picture was going to epitomize the awesomeness of our Hawaiian living! We would be gloriously riding the waves and I, of course, would look ridiculously skinny (because in my mind cameras take off 10 pounds). Instead, Shane took this....
Shane's vision obviously varies from mine. Every single picture he took was of us washed up on shore. I'm not sure if he's trying to tell us something? So all in all a super fantastic, washed up, day!

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Buddy and I slept in until 10 this morning. Don't judge me, I'm still tired from working Wed. night and have to work tonight, thus staying up way too late last night to try to recalibrate my sleep schedule. When we have lazy sleep in days one of our favorite thing is to just lounge in the bed and talk....and lick each other in the face!
Just kidding, that's just Buddy's favorite thing, I just happen to be an innocent bystander (or bylayer as the case may be)! So all in all a super fantastic, lazy licking day!

Friday, July 11, 2014


Yesterday, Buddy had his piano lesson. Yesterday also happens to be the day that I fell asleep on someone else's couch....
 Yesterday was also the day that we put Buddy on the rack to see if he could get a few more inches on him before school starts....My evil plan seems to have worked.....
Errr, well, kind of. All he needs is to make sure that he is transported to his classes via a platform of molded sand, no biggie. Today, I gave Buddy his first lesson in surfing. 
I'm thinking I probably shouldn't quit my night job to pursue my dream of professional surf instructor any time soon. Although I do see a blossoming career of professional face planter in Buddy's near future...

 So all in all a super fantastic, lesson learned, day!